American Center for Mongolian Studies
Please help us improve our services as well as be able to report on our successes!
For several of our funding agencies, the ACMS needs to be able to report on our effectiveness. In addition, we want to get better at what we do by improving our services and expanding our offerings. Getting your feedback is important for these to occur.
Whether you are (or were) an active member, fellow, patron, shopper, occasional visitor to our offices or to our website between October 1, 2014 and October 1, 2015, we want to hear from you! Please take a moment to complete our survey.
Also, if the ACMS has helped you to achieve new heights professionally in the past year (i.e. with publications or presentations based in part on ACMS support) please do let us know. Send any news items directly to me at
Thank you!
David Dettmann, US Director, ACMS