Subject: 2021 IAWE Awards Nominations - April 30, 2021 Deadline


IAWE is calling for 2021 IAWE awards nominations, the deadline is April 30, 2021.


The IAWE Secretariat is calling for nominations for IAWE Awards for 2021. The Awards are for one Senior and one Junior researcher in the broad field of Wind Engineering. Nominations may be made by Member Organizations or Individual Members or Supporting Members of the IAWE.

The deadline is the end of April 2021.

In accordance with the Awards rules, they invite you to nominate award candidates by sending the nomination to the Secretary General of IAWE (Dr. Shuyang Cao, no later than April 30, 2021 (1-month extended from the deadline specified by the Awards rules).

Please note that nominations should consist of no more than three A4 pages including a summary vitae for the nominee.