Hi Friend,
I love Springtime! It reminds me of how much I love helping people see the connection between mind, body, and spirit.
When people awaken to their divinity, their perspective shifts and it is like new light has flooded into their lives. It is like a fresh new day for them. They experience an instant hope, joy, love, peace and power. This is enlightenment because they are allowing divine light to permeate and warm up their soul.
Healing can not be just physical. Physical healing is a natural byproduct of an enlightened soul.
Time to spring clean the home and the soul!!
If you are interested in learning Energy Balancing with Faith visit https://jadebalden.com/ebwf
If you would like to have an appointment with me for an Energy Balancing Session to get you on the right path click here.
đź’“Love, light, & healing,
Jade Balden oxox
P.S. Please join me at our next retreat and AromaTouch Training in Arizona!