Subject: Friend, How to be a confident parent? 😘

Hi Friend,

We can easily get caught up in worries, fears, and stresses. The more we do this work of healing self the easier it becomes.  We have skills to resolve any issues that come.

I like to take the Pearly Gate test to help me put everything into perspective.  This is similar to the Abraham-Isaac challenge. It is a lot easier to do. 

I ask the question, 'Would this [worry or fear] matter in the eternities?' And if it doesn't then I put my fears into perspective. If I reach the Pearly Gates of heaven, would this thing I worry about matter still?

Ask yourself if it matters in 5 years? 10 years? or the Eternities? If not, then it really is us being myopic and 'sweating the small stuff.'

Often times the worries are about our children. I find that it is because we are trying to take control instead of applying faith. Please join me today as we talk about this topic. Let's be confident parents. Here is the Zoom meeting link

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💓Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

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