Subject: Friend, start creating miracles...

Hi Friend,

When people talk about the miracles and magic of life, do you feel like you are missing out on something? Other people are blessed while you are not?

The self-imposed artificial separation between you and other people can easily be removed.

It takes time, attention, and intention. As you anchor your heart in God, and learn your true identity, you can trust your heart more fully to guide you in life.

Your heart will help you feel you are deeply loved and very powerful. You can trust your heart to instruct you. Keep your heart open to receiving. The emotions in your heart can be very instructive.

Your heart will help you create more miracles that lead to joy and happiness.

Let's take time, attention, and intention NOW to our heart and heal ourselves further.

Below is an exercise you can do today to strengthen the skill of understanding yourself better by feeling your heart. Apply Geranium and Rose oil over your heart now as you do this exercise.

We stop ourselves from feeling because it may be uncomfortable and perhaps we don't know what to do with those feelings.

Here are some introspective questions to ask yourself and explore your inner programing. As we resolve the past and future limitations, we can begin to create more miracles in our present lives.

Please join our Weekly Earth Angels Meetings!  Every week we have a zoom meeting always at 7am Sydney Saturday time which is currently 4pm CST in the US. I will be logging in 30 mins early to help those who need to chat with me. Here is an important topic we often cover in our discussions.

👉Please save this Zoom meeting link

Join our meetings as we discuss many topics such as this one.


Since our family has recently moved from the USA to Australia, I am planning an Energy Balancing with Faith retreat Dec 21-23st in New South Wales or Victoria, Australia. I'll keep you posted on this.

Below is chart I use to help students of all ages understand the levels of personal development as we become better versions of ourselves.

At retreats we will be taking what we've learned and applying it to our lives and then helping others with what we have learned. Hopefully we all get to the point where we are creating with our personal powers.

If you are not creating, then you haven't reached the higher levels of learning and development.

The Energy Balancing with Faith online course is always available online. Here is the link

Anyone can enroll and learn at their own pace. They all have 10 weeks to finish the 7 week course. It makes it easier for whoever wants to start to start immediately.

May we all learn this important skill to create more love, peace, and joy in their lives.

đź’“Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

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