Subject: Friend, How to include yourself?

Hi Friend,

Did you grow up putting yourself last or minimizing yourself? While it seems noble and selfless to do so, it doesn't serve the world as optimally as we hope. It causes people to forget you and is a form of self-sabotage. It can lead to frequent experiences of disappointments and feeling rejected. It also blocks blessings too because we fail to ask God for what we want.

We don't ask specifically because we haven't allowed yourselves time to know exactly what we want. It is hard to open up and expect to receive greater blessings when you don't have clear ideas in your mind or heart of what you really want from life.

Below is an exercise you can do today to start opening up to RECEIVING what you want. It might be difficult if you are not used to giving yourself permission to have greater joys, pleasures, or support. Try it out...and redo this exercise often. Please let me know what your experiences are.

Below is another exercise you can do today to start speaking in a way that includes you. You are equal to everyone.

Let's teach our children and spouse to respect us as we learn to respect ourselves better. This is one way we accept ourselves better. When you are happier, you help others feel happier too, thus blessing the world more, simply by being a better version of you.


Use Pink Pepper and Coriander essential oils internally as you learn to change in these ways.

Please join our Weekly Earth Angels Meetings!  Every week we have a zoom meeting always at 7am Sydney Saturday time which is currently 4pm CST in the US. I will be logging in 30 mins early to help those who need to chat with me. Here is the recording of our last meeting.

👉Please save this Zoom meeting link

Join our meetings as we discuss many topics such as this one.


Since our family has recently moved from the USA to Australia, I am planning an Energy Balancing with Faith retreat Dec 21-23st in New South Wales or Victoria, Australia. I'll keep you posted on this.

Below is a picture of my husband, kids, and nieces in Sydney.

The Energy Balancing with Faith online course is always available online. Here is the link

Anyone can enroll and learn at their own pace. They all have 10 weeks to finish the 7 week course. It makes it easier for whoever wants to start to start immediately.

May our friends and family learn this important skill to create more love, peace, and joy in their lives.

đź’“Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

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