Subject: Friend, The King of Oils is FREE for you!

Friend, The King of Oils is FREE for you!

December 7th, 2023 at 6:27 am CDT

 Happy Holidays Friend!, Wishing you peace 🕊️, joy 😊, and love ❤️! May your home be filled with light and laughter. 🔆🎄 December is a big month for me. Not only do we celebrate Christmas, but we also celebrate my twin daughter' ...

Friend, Sorry I've been MIA!

October 16th, 2023 at 2:04 am CDT

 G'day Friend!, So sorry, I've been MIA 🙏. After moving across the world to Australia, we tried to settle in little and then... we were off again. We spent almost a month in Japan with 16 other family members! I haven't been with my extended ...

Friend, Why who you are is NOT what you do

August 24th, 2023 at 5:56 am CDT

Hi Friend, Do you find that you are easily hurt or offended?  Holding onto bitterness?  Feel like you need vindication and validation?  As I do Energy Balancing Sessions with people I find that many struggle to separate who they are and what they ...

Friend, Check out these August specials☀️

August 8th, 2023 at 7:28 pm CDT

 G'day Friend!, I hope you are well and happy, my friend.💐My family and I have been in Australia for a month already! It's been good adjustment for us all overall even though we all caught colds. 😷 My extended family has been very loving ...

Friend, start creating miracles...

July 27th, 2023 at 6:42 pm CDT

Hi Friend, When people talk about the miracles and magic of life, do you feel like you are missing out on something? Other people are blessed while you are not? The self-imposed artificial separation between you and other people can easily be removed ...

Friend, Understanding the Literal Language of the Body

July 26th, 2023 at 5:35 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Our body has a way of communicating with us to help us change and become happier. When we master the skill of reading the Literal Language of the body, we will be able to change faster and be happier. Below 👇 is a video I made to help y ...

Friend, How to integrate disowned parts of you?

July 25th, 2023 at 6:45 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Are you angry or hate certain parts of you? RECEIVE ALL parts of yourself without judgement. When we are angry or hate parts of ourselves, it can lead to cancer and dis-ease in those areas physically. In relationships, it can cause distanc ...

Friend, How to include yourself?

July 23rd, 2023 at 8:08 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Did you grow up putting yourself last or minimizing yourself? While it seems noble and selfless to do so, it doesn't serve the world as optimally as we hope. It causes people to forget you and is a form of self-sabotage. It can lead to fre ...

Friend, Ready for Montana Retrat?

May 29th, 2023 at 5:41 pm CDT

Hi Friend, Are you ready for our Energy Balancing with Faith Montana Retreat? I am looking forward to spending time with you!! We are going to have lots of fun feeling and healing. I have an agenda below for you to overview of our daily activities. P ...

Friend, Check out this BOGO special☀️

May 25th, 2023 at 10:12 am CDT

 G'day Friend!, I hope May has been a great month for you!! This week dōTERRA USA is offering some awesome deals!! ☀️ Summer is here for those in the northern hemisphere. Check out the dōTERRA Sun BOGO deals.If you are a Yarrow|Pom fan li ...