Hello Friend,
How are you? I hope you and your family are well. I got a question for you....How do we come to Christ by Descending, Ascending, and finally Transcending?
If you are like me, you've tried hard to be perfect and the very best versions of ourself, right? I used to think that Christ is up there, far away somewhere and if I pushed harder I would get closer to Him.
In reality, even though He belongs up there, He is down here with us in our pains, shame, grief and confusion. When we allow ourselves descend by stripping away our pride, our limited understanding, and our false traditions, we open our heart up to receiving Him.
We may think we need to go faster or work harder to find happiness. Happiness is created when we connect to God and are focused our life’s purpose. That happens when we are still and mindful not rushing and busy.
What I do is train people to pause and be still, to peel layers of pride, self-deceit, and false traditions off and align themselves with God again. When we do that it hurts and can be uncomfortable. We descend till we are abased. (Luke 18:14) There we will find Christ. He can more than mend our broken heart and contrite spirit, (Psalm 34:18) he helps us become whole. (Luke 8:48). As we ascend from there we are reborn, renewed with a new heart. (Ezekiel 11:19).
Keep going up and you will find you can transcend the world. When people talk about being in the world but not of the world, that is what I understand it as. You are no longer affected and attached to the world's troubles because you are truly anchored in Christ.
Keep practicing your sessions with yourself and others so that you can feel that peace and power
Do you feel confident about having the skills to resolve past and current pains and perceived discomforts?
Are you more self aware?
I would like others to enjoy these skills too. I start a new semester 26th July. Please let others know about it.
All new students a FREE copy of the Energy Balancing with Faith book and workbook. It will be mailed it out to them.
If you like to experience a session, please book a time with me. I would love to chat with you.