Subject: How to balance blood sugar levels

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Hi Friend!

A friend of mine told me his blood sugar level was 18.9 (Aussie Blood sugar measure). He googled what dōTERRA oils to use to help him lower his blood sugar and it came up with MetaPWR. He discovered his wife already bought MetaPWR so he put it in his water and drank it.

30 minutes later he tested his blood sugar levels again and it went down to 12! He tells me he was so happy to have something work so quickly. That has never happened for him! I told my friend to try the whole MetaPWR range and see if it helps even more. If you are in his same situation, please share with me how it has helped you too!

I don't have diabetes, so I never really appreciated how well MetaPWR could help people like my friend balance their blood sugar. I was just using it preventatively. Check out the above graphic. Please tell me what you think.👆

Also, instead of 'googling' and risking bad advice, try  This is a research based reliable data base. Try it out yourself. You can get 30-days free trial. After that, if you love it, and because you are my friend, you can get 90% off the subscription. Click here to get started.

Speaking of deals, check out the dōTERRA's August promotions!👇

Love, light, & healing,

💋 Jade Balden oxox

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Here is the topic for this week. When we learn how to receive, we are better at absorbing nutrients too which helps expedite healing.

New to essential oils and dōTERRA's natural wellness lifestyle? Check out this video. Your health is priority. Without good health, we won't have a quality life. You deserve high quality health products.

This is a feet reflexology chart which I like to use often. It is part of the Literal Language of the body. I just love the Literal Language of the body.

Our body is talking to us all the time. It gives us clues as to how to change and center ourselves. It is a starting point to finding out the root subconscious programming within us and explains why we do what we do.

When we are more self aware, we can be more in control of our lives. To me, it means I can more effectively strengthen my faith instead of going around in circles!

Get this on etsy or my website and print it out. Study it and reference it often.

 Get the Natural Wellness

Lifestyle with Faith book

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