Subject: Cleansing Emotions as you Cleanse Physically!

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Hi Friend!

I hope this finds you well. Happy October! I hope you know we can heal ourselves.

Not a lot of people know that as they heal their physical body, they are also 'invited' to heal emotionally. Our body asks for that healing. When we resist healing emotionally, we don't physically heal fully and quickly. We end up going round in circles. This means we end up getting the same health issues again in the near future.

Below are a few of the emotions the body can resolve when we allow it to. Remember the root of the emotional problems are a misalignment to our higher source of light and love. As we awaken more and more, we become more self aware and all this gets easier.

Check out the dōTERRA's October promotions for Australia and USA!👇 Are you just so excited for the VMG+, EO Mega+, Frankincense stick and Frankincense capsules? doTERRA is Brilliant!!!

I also updated the Literal Language of the body chart. Please have a look and tell me what you think.👇

Love, light, & healing,

💋 Jade Balden oxox

For those who are interested in learning more about emotional and spiritual healing, please join me on zoom each week.

Saturday 8am Sydney (set time) | USA Friday 4pm MDT | USA Friday 5pm CDT.

Same Zoom meeting link

Here is the topic for this week. When we learn how to receive, we are better at absorbing nutrients too which helps expedite healing.

New to essential oils and dōTERRA's natural wellness lifestyle? Check out this video. Your health is priority. Without good health, we won't have a quality life. You deserve high quality health products.

This is a Literal Language of the Body chart is helpful to get an idea of what the body is telling us to improve. Our body is talking to us all the time. It gives us clues as to how to change and center ourselves. It is a starting point to finding out the root subconscious programming within us and explains why we do what we do.

When we are more self aware, we can be more in control of our lives. To me, it means I can more effectively strengthen my faith instead of going around in circles!

Get this on etsy print it out. Study it and reference it often. I have a special bundle deal where you get 2 free images when you get the best seller bundle.

 Get the Natural Wellness

Lifestyle with Faith book

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