Subject: Friend, What is Generational Healing?

Hi Friend,

What is generational healing?

  • We have hereditary patterns and programing we can rewrite our own programs with more awareness.

  • Healing energetically/spiritually for generations who have passed and healing the generations that come after us. We are healing on both sides of the veil.

  • Our ancestors need healing too even though they have passed away. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be changed. We can change the negative energy to positive energy.

  • We have negative family patterns that do not support us anymore so we need to ‘intentionally reprogram’ ourselves again.

  • We are not victims of our DNA. We have cellular memory that can be overridden.

  • We have the power to change our life, our relationships, and our health.

Learn how to do Energy Balancing with Faith course and heal yourself and generations. Please watch this video below or listen to the Podcast to learn more.

💓Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

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