Subject:Ā Friend, Let's talk about being loved vs. lovingšŸ’

Hi Friend,

Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day Celebration. It is wonderful to feel loved.

Being loved feels nice but the need to be loved can cause a lot of relationship issues for us. On the subconscious level, we all need to be loved and connected to others. Unless it this need is met properly, it can create problems for us.

Here is what this need to be loved looks like:

  • Feeling obligated to do what people want you to do perhaps leading to self betrayal sometimes

  • Needing to conform to fit in because being different means you won't be loved

  • Feeling hurt and rejected if people don't like you like you hoped

  • You want people to respect you or listen to you, otherwise you feel offended

  • Needing praises, acceptance, and validation

  • Needing to be needed, important, and belong to something

  • Needing the children and husband to be good to reflect well on you

  • Needing to be pushy, controlling, or manipulating to get people to pay attention to you, or connect to you

We can all be like that. Don't hold other humans solely responsible for your need to be loved. Can you see how this causes a lot of relationship issues? We can't control whether others love us or not. We can only control ourselves. The truth is we can't ever get enough love and validation from others any ways. It will never be enough because it was always meant to be met from our connection God. When you focus on receiving that love from God first and then being loving like God, you set people free. God's love satisfies. The love from others is a bonus. Teach your children about this and you'll see more peace in your home.

Fill your heart up with divine love. Be prayerful and still. Be inspired in every action. You can control how loving you are.

Here is how being loving looks like:

  • Look in people's hearts. Know that perhaps they are not awakened yet.

  • Look beyond their adult facade and see the hurting child within

  • Look at ways you can nurture that inner child to maturity as inspired by God

  • Remind yourself they are a child of God with great potential too

  • Focus on reflecting divine love on others. Give people a sample of divine love so they can desire to go to God and create a stronger relationship with God too.

  • Trust yourself and learn to trust others too.

If you need help with changing at the root, please book a time with me. I would like to help you.

šŸ’“Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

P.S. Please join me at our next retreat! Details below. Please watch this video.

Join me at my next in person events...

How would you like to join at a retreat me for 3 days in Avondale, Pennsylvania?

What is included?

  • 3 full days of self healing & practice sessions on others

  •  Sisterhood

  •  Accommodation, all meals, instructions, Energy Balancing with Faith book and workbook

  • only 15 spots available.

  • Get in quickly. Deadline for application May 25.

Please apply here

How would you like to join at a retreat me for 3 days in Largo Vista, Texas?

What is included?

  • 3 full days of self healing & practice sessions on others

  •  Sisterhood

  •  Accommodation, all meals, instructions, Energy Balancing with Faith book and workbook

  • only 10 spots available.

  • Get in quickly. Deadline for application June 5.

Please apply here

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