Subject: Friend, Happy 💗 Day!

Hi Friend,

❤️Happy Valentines Day! ❤️

Let's celebrate love. I believe we are able to love others better when we experience a deeper degree of self-love.

How do we develop a deeper sense of self love and self acceptance?

Why self love? When we have a healthy degree of self love we experience more peace, power, and purpose in our hearts. We have better relationships, better health, and more wealth! We trust easier and feel happier.

In order to love yourself better, you need to get to know yourself and then accept yourself.

1. Let’s get to know yourself first.

Sometime in our childhood, well-meaning but fearful adults may have tried to tell you how to think and what to do so much that you haven’t deeply developed the skills of choosing your own thoughts and opinions. We've focused on pleasing others so much that we don't know who we are. It is time to use our power of choice more fully.

It is time to develop a clearer personality and reinvent yourself. With God’s guidance take time to decide who you are. Make up your mind and say something like...

“I am a good person.”

“I am loving and caring.”

“I do my best.”

Choose to change your negative perceptions and labels about yourself to positive ones.

  • overly-sensitive >> caring and empathetic.

  • perfectionist >> detailed.

  • Stubborn >> committed & integrity towards myself.

  • Airy fairy >> I’ve got lots of ideas.

  • Opinionated >> I am a unique thinker.

2. Accept yourself.

Love you like God loves you. Talk to our loving Heavenly Father. Love God and allow His love in.

When you know your infinite self worth, you cease to be critical of yourself. You allow the grace of God to help you grow and progress freely because you know how to apply the atonement of Christ to your mistakes and weaknesses.

3. Do some faith-based life coaching.

The other powerful skill is to know how to do Energy Balancing Sessions on yourself. I teach people how to do this in my online course. This includes self care skills to build new enlightened beliefs. When you are more empowered, you'll remember to take your supplements, sleep better, eat better, use your essential oils regularly and have more positive self talk.

One powerful skill I teach in this course is to do Childhood Regression Technique on yourself. Go back in time and resolve things and apply the atonement of Christ to your past pains.

Dr. Thomas Harris said, “Most people never fulfill their human promise and potential because they remain perpetually helpless children overwhelmed by a sense of inferiority.”

I agree. Many people still have unresolved childhood pains and issues that can easily have closure when they pause to reinterpret their life with a positive divine perspective. We allow ourselves to finally learn the divine lessons in love and mature up.

We will stop blaming, vilifying people and being hurt by others because we no longer feel like the victim. Self acceptance and self love gives us confidence.

Check out my self-love video below. 

💓Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

Join me at the next retreat!

How would you like to join at a retreat me for 3 days in Gilbert Arizona?

What is included?

  • 3 full days of self healing

  • Sisterhood

  • Accommodation, all meals, instructions, Energy Balancing with Faith book and workbook

only 10 spots available. Get in quickly.

Please apply here

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