Subject: Friend, Degrees of Wakefulness

Hi Friend,

There are plenty of scriptures about awakening. How do you and I know we are still asleep and not awakened? How do you know how much more light potential you have here on earth? Sometimes we can deceive ourselves by thinking we are good where we are. We may think, ‘Well this is life. Everyone has these problems.” or “I just am not blessed like others to have more luck and comforts in life.”

For those who believe in God and attend church services regularly, they may think that they are doing well and they need to just keep going along. Perhaps it is time to check ourselves. The situations surrounding us or fruits of our choices can give us a clue as to how well we are really doing in the awakened department.

If you are still surrounded by dramas, diseases, separation, and all sorts of fears then you are probably still operating in a darker and lower vibrations. When we become aware of this we can make the changes necessary to changing our situations. Work on resolving negative emotions of pride, anger, rejection, insecurity, grief, and shame etc. Once you do so, you’ll find that not only does your health improve, your happiness has increased too. Read more here.

💓Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

P.S Please continue to join our weekly Wellness Classes Tuesday 7pm CST & our Friday 4pm CST Energy Balancing calls.

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