Subject: Friend, How to integrate disowned parts of you?

Hi Friend,

Are you angry or hate certain parts of you? RECEIVE ALL parts of yourself without judgement. When we are angry or hate parts of ourselves, it can lead to cancer and dis-ease in those areas physically. In relationships, it can cause distance and disconnections.

Let's remember, you are a beloved child of God. This means your Heavenly parents loves you unconditionally. We should follow that example and love ourselves unconditionally too.

We are all a work in progress. No one is perfectly flawless and we all have much to learn as we grow. We can still love ourselves in our humanity as we move towards a better version of ourselves.

As you focus on progressing and improving yourself daily, accept all of you, especially your dark side and weaknesses. Sometimes we are too quick to punish and rebuke ourselves for those weaknesses. Instead, let's speak more encouragingly and kindly to ourselves as we move through this Earthly existence.

Feel the feelings of your heart as it instructs you to change your thoughts and beliefs. Use Black Pepper and Copaiba essential oil as you unveil yourself and make peace with your humanity.

This is Energy Balancing with Faith. Learn more here.

Below is another exercise you can do today to feel your emotions fully and allow it to instruct you. This is how you intentionally and proactively change yourself.

When we learn to love ourselves and receive, our goals will manifest more and people we want to attract will come to us easily.

Here is an example of some common answers...

Please join our Weekly Earth Angels Meetings!  Every week we have a zoom meeting always at 7am Sydney Saturday time which is currently 4pm CST in the US. I will be logging in 30 mins early to help those who need to chat with me. Here is the recording of our last meeting.

👉Please save this Zoom meeting link

Join our meetings as we discuss many topics such as this one.


Since our family has recently moved from the USA to Australia, I am planning an Energy Balancing with Faith retreat Dec 21-23st in New South Wales or Victoria, Australia. I'll keep you posted on this.

Below is a picture of my husband and I in Sydney.

The Energy Balancing with Faith online course is always available online. Here is the link

Anyone can enroll and learn at their own pace. They all have 10 weeks to finish the 7 week course. It makes it easier for whoever wants to start to start immediately.

May we all learn this important skill to create more love, peace, and joy in their lives.

đź’“Love, light, & healing,

Jade Balden oxox

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