Subject: 💚 March Biz Tips for you Friend


Hi Friend,


Happy March! I hope you and your family are well. At the beginning of each month we have a bit of promotion to do don't we. Below is a list of things I like to do at the beginning of each month.

Personally, I am offering 10 spots for 2 month of mentoring. I am offering it only to people who have finished the Business Building with Faith course.

If you would like to learn more and enroll in the Business Building with Faith course, click here.

Please scroll to the bottom for March information! Best wishes for this month. Please don't hesitate to contact me. I'd love to hear from you.

💖 Love,



Beginning of the month:


- Post on social media, my website the new month's promotions


- Talk about the new month's promotions at meetings (live & online)


- Send out texts & newsletters to team mates


- Talk about the new month's promotions at meetings (live & online)


- Celebrate team member's accomplishments


- Plan the month out and set clear intentions


If you would like to learn more and enroll in the Business Building with Faith course, click here.

Please watch this complementary video ⬆️ from Business Building with Faith course.

If you haven't enrolled please click on the link below to learn more and enroll.

Learn more and enroll here

Congratulations to all these lovely people who successful at enrolling friends and ranking! Well done. Great work sharing the love guys.


Energy Balancing with Faith Course


A new semester of the Energy Balancing with Faith course is starting March 15. People can enroll now. If you or your friends are interested, please let them know about this powerful opportunity.

If you would like to learn more and enroll, click here.


Please help promote these March events and online classes.



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