How have you been doing?
Sometimes I think to myself, 'I profess that we love God but how can I tell if I really do?' I often like to check-in with God to make sure I am staying focused on my life's calling and not being distracted by 'life'.
Yes, at times, I am distracted and that is when I feel scattered, overwhelmed, and experience divine discontent.
To remedy this, I pray to open my heart up to God's love. When I feel His love, I get a strong sense of peace and hope in my heart. I see my problems as it really is, and put it in proper perspective. Usually what follows is a desire to serve others.
When our hearts are full we are naturally inclined to be outward thinking and service oriented. You can also say, when we are outward thinking and service oriented, you are experiencing a result of a higher degree of FAITH!
Like Mother Teresa said, "Faith in action is love, and love in action is service."
This week, I experienced yet another miscarriage. Yes, I cried and grieved. But the voice inside of me reminds me that I will feel better if I served others. And that is just what I did. I am so grateful for the privilege of service because it also heals my soul and give me a better perspective on reality.