Subject: Friend, Love is alway the answer😘

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 Hello Friend,

Hope you are well, happy and filled with love. 

The more I help people the more I recognize how simple the solutions are.  I didn't say it is easy just simple.  Simple because the answer to most of our problems is LOVE.  More specifically the answer is divine love. 

Us humans have a bad habit of over complicating things.  We make things harder on ourselves than necessary.  As soon as we receive more divine love into our hearts, things start to make sense and we see things from a space of more wisdom.

Please watch this video on why the answer is always love:

What stops us from feeling and receiving more love?  

It is our fears and self-imposed limitations and false traditions.  I can show you how to get rid of those limitations if you like. In the Energy Balancing with Faith course, you can learn how to liberate yourself of these things.

If you haven't already, please join me in the Energy Balancing with Faith course as we discover how to receive more love. 

Just for the new few days only, I am offering a special deal.  I hope you take advantage of it.  Get a FREE $75 Energy Balancing Session  from me when you enroll. 

Please let others know so we can build up this beautiful community of Earth Angels 👼🏼🕊. 

When we feel unempowered, it is because we haven't filled our hearts up with love.  Divine love gives us power.  We maybe feel undeserving of love for some silly reason but whatever that reason is, we don't need to unnecessarily block divine love any more.  By opening up to God regardless of what we've done in the past, we allow His power to heal and renew us and our family members. 
Blessings are ready for you to receive
When we are obedient to divine directives, God blesses us.  It is part of the universal laws.  His blessings are sure.  There isn't any doubt about it.  We can trusts this.
I hope you have enjoyed this email. Please reply to this email and tell me what you think of it.  I would love to get to know you better.  
I read every email and it makes my day.  Thank you again, my sweet friend!
Also, please connect with me on the online events. These events are found on my Facebook page.
Need an Energy Balancing Session? Click here.
Ben and Jade Balden LLC, 40 Red Maple Ct, 32459, Santa Rosa Beach, United States
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