Subject: Friend, Saying "YES" to starting a flourishing private practice... OPEN THIS EMAIL!!!


Kate and I often talk and share how, when we started out in private practice there was little to no help. We struggled, made a crap ton of costly mistakes, learned from them and we then made it our mission to help you!

YOU my friend don't have to struggle the way we did.

YOU might be ready for some help and support in launching your practice "right" the first time, avoiding some major growing pains like we had to endure.

YOU might not want to waste the precious hours and dollars we did. They were definitely in the thousands.

I wanted to give you 2 options of colleagues who really love helping therapist get their private practices up and running.

Kate and I LOVE helping therapists increase their clients through marketing and these women love the "let me help get you started, moving a shaking".

AND... not to mention they are really good at it.

They are launching their courses VERY soon (as in one next week and one in a month), so this is crunch and decision making time!!!

Most people don't regret the decisions they made that help them move forward in life. This is one of those decisions. #JustSaying...

YES, you will have to put the work in.

YES, you will have invest in yourself and your business. Who cares it’s a write off anyway!

YES, you will get your practice established quicker and clients walking through your door in way less time than those who don't get coaching (way cool).

YES, you will give yourself a "self-five" because you will feel more comfortable, confident and excited about becoming a business owner and entrepreneur.

You will be able to effectively connect with and serve the clients you want to share your gifts with and who need your help.


Laura Long, LMFT from Your Badass Therapy Practice is launching her flagship course NEXT WEEK - February 19th.

Laura's course is a 10 week course with a valuable modules, coaching, cheatsheets, facebook support, and so much more.

Here are some of the areas she covers: niche, goals, ideal client, fee setting, systems, expenses, marketing, website, and so much more! 

*** I just heard that we are going to be coming on as special guests during one of her Thursday night “Wine Lives”.***

If this is for you, take action and then don't forget to let us know in 3 months about all the results you are getting, so we can celebrate you!

I am sure you are wondering what it all entails.
CLICK HERE for all the juicy details and to sign up.


The "Zynny Me Ladies" - Kelly Higdon, LMFT and Miranda Palmer, LMFT are launching their annual Private Practice Bootcamp

IT only happens 1x/year!!!

Yup, you got it... if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get down and dirty quick and fast with creating your private practice this option might be for you!

What do Kelly and Miranda offer? Live support, deep dives on topics, modules, prizes, and so much more.

Here are some of the areas they cover: clarifying your vision, organization, having a plan, money, marketing, social media and much more!

Bootcampers the fun begins on NEXT MONTH. CLICK HERE for all the details and to register.

In the meantime as you are deciding here is some FREE private practice help from Kelly and Miranda.

Whatever you do, make a solid decision either way. Don’t let us look out there and see you getting splinters because you are sitting on the fence too long.

PS - DON’T just sit there DO SOMETHING!

Thanks for allowing us to support you and inspire you from startup to mastery on YOUR private practice journey!

See you soon!

~ Kate & Katie

Stay Inspired,
Be a Part of Startup Nation

2419 East Commercial Blvd Suite 203, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308, United States
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