| Legends of America Newsletter - August 2019 |
| It was only a five day trip, but we had a lot of fun earlier this month in Eastern/Southeastern Missouri. Kathy had been prepping me for a while by making me hold funds for travel. We've done a 'fairly' good job of calculating RV campgrounds, food and fuel costs for these adventures, and up until the day before departure, things were right on track. However, as any RV'er will tell you, staying on track is usually a pipe dream.
First, the battery on our trailer decides 4 years is enough. Should have anticipated that one. $140 later we're back in business. Wait...why isn't the refrigerator operating? What the hell is this error code? After spending some time with the manual, I discovered that low voltage can result in the need to "reset" the refrigerator. Just take a good wire and briefly jumper a specific pin to the ground and all should be good.
Sounds simple enough, but this magic pin is under a plastic cover, screwed into the back of the refrigerator, which is only accessible via the outside vent cover. Ok, no biggy...now to get this vent cover off, but let's do it only after breaking one of the plastic clip latches holding it on..(making mental note to grab the duck tape). Ok, I'm in, now where is this plastic cover that I have to take off to get to the pins? Oh...isn't that convenient, half of it is behind the camper wall where I can't get the screwdriver!!
Let's step back for a moment, go inside for a drink and regroup. What's all that cursing coming from Kathy's office? What do you mean you just accidentally deleted all of Illinois from our Photo Print Shop? Scramble to our Photo Print partners support page, search "undelete"... hmmm.. no way to recoup unless you get a support tech to take the deletion out of the que before it's processed. It's Saturday. What are the odds anyone will be there to catch it in time. Send the support email anyway but plan on delays in departure while we reload hundreds of photos.
Let's return to the camper and leave Kathy alone (safety first ya know). I'll just go back to trying to get this plastic cover off. Successfully removed two of the three screws holding it on, but that third is at least 4 inches behind that wall...let's pry it up to see what we can see...wait, isn't this how I broke the vent cover clip latch?! Ugh. Let's just go back into the camper and do what I should have done in the first place. Turn it off, and then turn it back on again. Waiting, waiting...no error code. Insert big smiley face here.
Let's go back in to gloat about fixing the refrigerator (but in a way that makes it sound like I actually did something). Wait, an email response from our Photo Print host. They recouped our deleted Illinois photos! Oh Kathy, who's your hero, who's The Man!? We were back on track for an on-time departure. |
|  | We stayed a couple of nights at Robertsville State Park with the intention to freshen up portions of our Route 66 images in areas south of St. Louis, while catching a couple of ghost towns nearby. Then it was back on the road with trailer in tow down Highway 21 toward Cape Girardeau. Ran into the most wonderful little historic town of Caledonia. Spent some great quality time in the historic mercantile there. Lots and lots of photos. Arrived to a great, rustic RV stay at a place called Little Ole Opry Campground right by historic Burfordville. Dropped the camper, drove into Cape Girardeau, and gathered more photos. Got back to the camper to discover Kathy's camera had malfunctioned...the entire day. Break down, wimper a little, then suck it up and decide to rethink our route back and re-do both Cape Girardeau and Caledonia in the morning. It made for a long day but it was worth it.
Hungry and tired, arguing a little over what the heck our GPS was telling us to do, we finally stumbled upon the RV hookups for our final couple of nights at Hermann, Missouri City Park. We're in a large area that looks like a parking lot across from the pool, but hey, at least we'll be level. Let's get the camper unhooked and swing back by that Casey's General Store for some of our favorite pizza. On the way out spot more RV hookups under trees in a more suitable setting. And how about that, it's where our GPS was telling us to go in the first place. Considering I hadn't done anything other than plug the camper in, it was a no brainer to move...after eating of course.
Enjoyed our couple of nights in Hermann, explored a lot of ground around the area which will give us even more to write about in the coming months, then packed it up for our return home. Got about one block from home when I ran over a rock. POP, hiss hiss hiss hiss, all the way down the hill to our house, hurry hurry backing in the camper before the trucks tire is completely flat...oh, never mind, it's already there. Two new tires and $286 later that too is done.
Dave "budgets are apparently suggestions" Alexander
| | | Route 66 Postcard Coloring Book, By Legends Of America - If you love Route 66, enjoy coloring, and like to share with others, this book is for you! The Route 66 Postcard Coloring Book contains 20 postcards of various places along America's Mother Road, each ready for your own artistic touch. Then after you color, remove each and send as a postcard. Complete with stamp placement on the back, and information on each location. Or, keep your finished work as a reminder of fun times traveling Route 66.
| | What's New on LOA
From our recent travel in Eastern Missouri
| | Caledonia, Missouri – Stepping Back in Time – Caledonia, Missouri is a small village in the Bellevue Valley of Washington County. Today, most of the town has been declared a National Historic District.
Old Appleton, Missouri – Bridging Apple Creek – Old Appleton, Missouri, located on the south bank of the Apple Creek in Cape Girardeau County, got its start in the early 1800s.
| | Hermann, Missouri – Little Germany – Hermann, Missouri, the county seat of Gasconade County, evolved out of an effort to preserve German culture and traditions in America.
| | Burfordville, Missouri – Home of the Bollinger Mill – Burfordville, Missouri, a small unincorporated community in western Cape Girardeau County, is home to the Bollinger Mill State Historic Site and the Burfordville Covered Bridge.
We'll bring you more of our August 2019 journey in future newsletters.
From previous Missouri Travels
Jerome, Missouri & a Tribute to the Trail of Tears – ( major rewrite of the previous article with more about the town) Jerome is a small town on the Gasconade River in western Phelps County. Portions of the area are on Route 66 and include a tribute to the Trail of Tears.
| Mill Spring, Missouri – All Quiet Now – Mill Spring, Missouri, located along the Black River in Wayne County, in the southeast portion of the state got its start as a railroad and logging town.
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Photo prints from our visit to Montana in 2008. Sizes small to large, matting, mounting and framing options, and more. Visit our Photo Print Shop and save 10% when you use coupon code NEWS10. |
| | | Santee Sioux native Charles Alexander Eastman was 4 years old when the Dakota War broke out in August of 1862, separating him from most of his family. If it weren't for the re-appearance of his father a decade later, we may not have ever known the man who became a Doctor, noted author, U.S. Indian Inspector, and early supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. |
| | | The Whiskey Rebellion of 1794
| What started as a tax in 1791 led to the Western Insurrection, or better known as the Whiskey Rebellion, when protesters used violence and intimidation to prevent federal officials from collecting. It would be a major test for a young nation, and resulted President Washington's August 7, 1794 proclamation, invoking the Militia Act. Few men volunteered and a draft brought on protests and riots. |
| | | The National Road - First Highway in America |
| Cutting an approximately 820-mile long path through the states of Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, it was built between 1811 and 1834 and was the first federally funded road in U.S. history. Both Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson believed that a trans-Appalachian road was necessary for unifying the young country. On March 29, 1806, Congress authorized construction of the road and President Thomas Jefferson signed the act establishing what was first called the Cumberland Road that would connect Cumberland, Maryland to the Ohio River. |
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Legends of America is proud to have a relationship with the Winning Run Foundation and their publication Trail Ride Magazine, a unique magazine that features western related devotional materials. Includes captivating pictures and stories of the Old West that tell of real-life experiences with a corresponding message of Biblical truth, encouragement, faith, and victory. Save 10% on previous editions and use coupon code NEWS10 at Legends' General Store. |
| | Popular on Facebook In case you missed them..here's some articles that have received the most interaction on our Facebook fan pages over the past month.
| Bannack Montana - Gold to Ghost - July 28, 1862, Gold is discovered in a creek leading to the establishment of Bannack, and ultimately Montana Territory. |
| | Sitting Bull - Lakota Chief and Holy Man - "The man was an enigma at best. He was not impulsive, nor was he phlegmatic. He was most serious when he seemed to be joking. He was gifted with the power of sarcasm, and few have used it more artfully than he." Charles A. Eastman |
| | Doc Holliday - Deadly Doctor of the American West - Born August 14, 1851, John Henry Holliday would have probably died a quiet life as a dentist if it weren't for his health and his temper. |
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Thank you for your support! We can't say enough how much your support keeps us motivated in sharing our love of American History and travel destinations. Our primary funding is through our General Store and Photo Print Shop, but your donations through our Tip Jar have also played a large role and continue to help with our server and technical costs. Thank you, thank you, thank you. |
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Supporting our love of history since 2003, Legends' General Store is a great place to find unique gifts, books, DVD's, wall art, Native American inspired herbal remedies, t-shirts, postcards and much more. As a newsletter subscriber, save 10% off any item. Just use coupon code NEWS10 in cart view.
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Providing a wide range of photo prints and products from vintage images to our current travels. Thousands to choose from, including historic travel destinations, old west, native american, art and more available in many print sizes, including canvas and print wraps. Or put your favorite on a calendar, coffee mug or t-shirt. Just select an image and browse our many products in the Photo Shop. As a newsletter subscriber, save 10% on all prints. Just use coupon code News10 during checkout.
| What Our Readers are saying: I spent the summer in St. Augustine and went to the Odditorium. I'd wanted to go for a long time. In the end, It was a bit too creepy for my taste. - Diana (ref: Ripley's Original Odditorium)
Quite interesting read! - Tony (Ref: Hamilton Bell - Transforming Wicked Dodge City, Kansas)
So much history in the Black Hills, thank you. - Dennis (Ref: Cornelius "Lame Johnny" Donahue & a Tale of Lost Treasure)
My grandfather was a blacksmith in the early years of Fort Hays. Last week I visited the Fort (07/26/2019) and truly enjoyed my time spent there. The folks who manage the museum and tours were like the rest of the Kansas people I met, truly friendly and helpful. Our country needs more Kansas people! - Carl (ref: Fort Hays, Kansas - History and Hauntings)
Your bedrock city article brought back allot of memories. We would go there in the early 70’s when passing thru on vacations. I haven’t thought of that place in years. Thanks for the memories. - James (ref: Bedrock City, Custer, South Dakota)
For your Lost Landmarks collection, you should check out the Buckhorn Baths Motel in Mesa, AZ. It’s still there, but who knows for how long. The extensive taxidermy collection has already been donated to the university. - Alice (ref: Lost Landmarks & Vanished Sites)
I stumbled upon your site with the help of the "Ghost Towns" DVD documentary. I immediately went and signed up!...There is a place here that's located on Hwy. 171 between Many and Leesville. It was called Hodges Gardens. It's been closed down since the fall of 2017. Not going to go through the politics of the situation, but it definitely left a bad taste in many mouths...I'm hoping that you look into this and spread the word about this place that has been closed off to the public. The gardens has been passed back to the Hodges Foundation from the state. I can't seem to find any new information about the future of the gardens, if people can still go, or anything. - Daniel (ref: July 2019 Newsletter/Vanished Sites)or comment on any of our articles. |
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