Subject: Your support is a blessing!

See how your donations helped support women and families at Refuge House and receive an update on Leonardo's bike.

Volume 2 No. 3 | May 2022


Thanks to your generous giving, GRM2 has supported Refuge House with more than $100 of natural hair products and $50 for bus passes in both March and April. This will be a recurring monthly gift.

Refuge House, based in Tallahassee, Fla., assists victims of domestic violence and their families.

Shan Pompey (left), Refuge House's assistant director, accepts the donations from GRM2 founder Judith Hawkins (center) and Angelia Bates, GRM2 treasurer (right).

"Refuge House was so happy to have [former] Judge Judith Hawkins and Ms. Angelia Bates of GRM2 bring in some much-needed hair and spa products for our ladies in shelter," the organization posted on its Facebook page. "Our Assistant Director, Shan Pompey, was eager to make sure our ladies received these bundles of love! Thank you so much, GRM2!"

These gifts are a recurring commitment, so your continued support is requested. The ladies look forward to the products both for themselves and their children. The need for bus passes will increase moving into the summer. Children will be on summer vacation and parents seeking employment will need to deliver completed job applications.

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note that your donation is for Refuge House.



God blessed us to meet the $1,500 goal for Leonardo’s electric bike. We had expected delivery by the time of this newsletter release. 

But supplies are limited in Cuba and before he could pick up a bike, they were sold out. Let’s intentionally pray and claim this promise, even now as you are reading this newsletter, that God will open the door for Leonardo to get his bike that God has selected for him.  

There's another way you can help support the ministry of GRM2 Inc. and its partners: Amazon Smile. Choose GRM2 as your charity of choice and shop as usual. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price on participating. Use the link in the button below for easy access.


The Defense Lawyer and the Judge Are One in the Same (Part 4)  

In Part 4 of examining the prophetic book of Revelation as “The Trial of the Universe,” we consider the defense attorney and judge. From our previous discussions, we know the issues: What are the consequences of each person’s choice of allegiance to either Jesus or Satan and whether Satan’s accusations about God’s character and His law are true (Revelation 22:11-12 and Revelation 11:16-19). 

We also learned that neither God nor His law changes (Malachi 3:6; Matthew 5:18; Isaiah 40:28). Thus, every person is a defendant whose choices will be judged by God’s law, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17), as distinguished from the ceremonial laws which were abolished at Christ’s death on the cross (Matthew 27:51).

Lucifer knew and rejected God’s law causing his expulsion from heaven (Revelation 12:7-10; Ezekiel 28:12-17). God’s law existed before the creation of the Earth and Adam. Because of Adam’s disobedience, the first family was expelled from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3).

It is Satan who is the accuser, and appropriately so, since he encourages us to sin (Revelation 12:9-10; John 8:44)!

Now, we learn there is no one better qualified to be the defense lawyer than Jesus, Himself, our court-appointed Advocate (1 John 2:1, John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8; 3:2; John 5:22). Since Jesus triumphed over Satan’s temptations, Jesus knows how to help us to overcome by relying upon the Word of God: “It is written” (Matthew 4:1-11).

What is Christ’s strategy to win the case? The indisputable evidence of His atoning blood for all who choose to accept the free gift of salvation (John 3:16). While the devil’s accusations are true, it is more true that Christ’s victorious death paid the penalty for our sins, allowing us to be covered by the robe of Christ’s righteousness (Revelation 3:16; Romans 5:8; Isaiah 64:6).

In addition, Jesus is our judge. John 5:22–23 and 2 Corinthians 5:10 declare that Christ follows the Old Testament role of judges to “lean always to the side of the defendant and give him the advantage of every possible doubt.”[i]

So, what is the ultimate advantage granted to each defendant? Jesus stated it quite simply, For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

We will continue our discussion in the next issue, but if you want search for Bible answers now, please email

[i] The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1904), Vol. II, p. 293.

God is love


Friday, May 27 — 5 a.m. Morning Glory — Join the early morning prayer line, where Judith Hawkins will be sharing a word of encouragement and hope. May's theme is God's Kind of Mother. To dial in, call 667-770-1524 and enter the passcode 258836#.

For the next 30 days (or until the mid-bimonthly update), let’s improve our physical, emotional, mental, and relational status with just one activity: 5-10 minutes of sunshine every day there is sunshine! Why? 

Because sunshine:

  • Is the natural source of vitamin D that helps the body to reduce inflammation and regulate cell growth. 

  • Decreases mental health distresses.

  • Produces serotonin (from light), which helps the body produce melatonin (from darkness) that helps with sleeping.

  • Helps our bones absorb calcium better (with adequate amounts of vitamin D from the sun).

  • Helps our bodies release nitric oxide into the blood, which brings down blood pressure and improves hearth health.

Source: Tri-City Medical Center


Friendly Discourse Discussion Guides are now available. You can purchase them for $5 via Cash App $GazaRoadMinistries or send a request to

Have you been challenged in our journey to understanding about biblical submission, forgiveness and compromise? The purpose of these seminars is to provoke thought, prayer, and meditation on specific issues faced by women with the objective of improving our relationship with God, first, and then our personal relationships.

Click the link below to watch the Friendly Discourse Summary.

Did you see the Friendly Discourse episodes on compromise, forgiveness, submission and freedom? You can catch them all by clicking here.


"Your today is yesterday's choices and tomorrow's consequences."

Judith Warren Hawkins


Are you dealing with anger issues? Living Manna Virtual Church is hosting a series on Anger & The Sanctuary Solution, during the first hour of its worship services. Take a look and learn a totally different way to address anger related issues.

Illustration Source: India News

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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