Subject: Would you like to volunteer at GRM's Enrichment and Empowerment Center?

Plus, see Leonardo's electric bike that you helped purchase and read the latest updates on our ministry activities.

Volume 2 No. 4 | July 2022


God has opened an opportunity for us to obtain a space for weekly classes to teach, demonstrate, and educate women in a variety of topics and subjects supporting, expanding, and enlarging Hawkins Empowered Life System: Discover Your Life Purpose, Unlock Your Full Potential, and Supercharge Your Success

The two office spaces are perfect for online and in-person classes. The large classroom can accommodate 12 socially distanced students. The smaller room is appropriate for eight people.

Volunteers to teach within their areas of expertise, grant researchers and writers, and financial supporters are needed. Can you help? Will you help?

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note that your donation is for the Enrichment and Empowerment Center.

Email me at if you are interested in volunteering.


YOUR prayers made the difference! Thank you for caring and thank you for giving.

Leonardo purchased an electric bicycle to assist him and his father, Oscar, in sharing the good news of Jesus.

"My father and I want to convey our deepest and sincerest gratitude to our dear sister Judith and to all the other brothers and sisters who sponsored our electric bicycle," he wrote in an email. "May God bless you all abundantly!"

The electric bike allows them to avoid public transportation and reduces travel time to surrounding areas.

Leonardo (left) and his father, Oscar, stand with the electric bike your donations helped them purchase. 

Leonardo was my translator in March 2020 during my last international mission trip to Cuba. We were summoned home by the U.S. government because the COVID-19 pandemic was locking down the globe.

You can read more about my trip to Cuba and see pictures in the March edition of the newsletter.


The 30 or so ladies and their children at Refuge House, who are victims of  domestic violence, are grateful for GRM2’s monthly donation of natural hair products and bus passes. Your regular donations allow us to brighten their day because (you know) when our hair looks good, we feel better inside and out! 

And a new item: While it increases our budgeted giving, we discovered that providing these colorful multipurpose totes from Dollar Tree are especially appreciated because they are just the right size for various items. The women look forward to receiving them, so let’s not disappoint them!

We are awaiting acceptance of our volunteer application in order to engage directly with the women and teach classes from the Hawkins Empowered Life System: Discover Your Life Purpose, Unlock Your Full Potential, and Supercharge Your Success.

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note that your donation is for Refuge House.


The Sentencing/Reward Phase (Part 5a)  

We have discussed the prophetic book of Revelation as “The Trial of the Universe”. This issue’s discussion might be rather surprising to many Bible students since we focus on the sentencing/reward phase.  

Some believe that people go to heaven when they die, but this is not so, according to Scripture. In a nutshell, we rest in our graves until the Second Coming of Christ when only two classes of people exist: the saved and the unsaved. Within each group are the dead and the living.

But first, let’s review a summary of what we’ve covered:

a) the issues are the consequences of each person’s choice of allegiance to either Jesus or Satan and whether Satan’s accusations about God’s character and His law are true (Revelation 22:11-12 and 11:16-19);

 b) every person is a defendant whose choices will be judged by God’s law, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17), as distinguished from the ceremonial laws which were abolished at Christ’s death on the cross (Matthew 27:51);

c) neither God nor His law changes and Lucifer’s defiance in heaven resulted in his expulsion, so likewise Adam’s disobedience resulted in the first family being expelled from the Garden of Eden (Malachi 3:6; Matthew 5:18; Isaiah 40:28; Revelation 12:10-13; Ezekiel 28:12-17; Genesis 3);

d)  Satan is our accuser (Revelation 12:9-10 and John 8:44);

e) Jesus is both our defense lawyer and judge (1 John 2:1; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8; 3:2; John 5:22); and a defense verdict is based upon a person’s choice to accept the free gift of salvation purchased by Christ’s victorious death allowing us to be covered by His robe of righteousness (John 3:16; Revelation 3:16; Romans 5:8; Isaiah 64:6).

Let’s tackle the first statement about what happens when we die—we die!  In Genesis 3:4, Satan’s lie to Eve, “You will not surely die” birthed three other lies—an immortal soul, communication with the dead, and immediate rewards at death. 

There were two trees in the Garden of Eden, “the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:9). After Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God said, "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever ... So he drove out the man” (Genesis 3:22, 24). 

Only by eating fruit from the tree of life did Adam and Eve have access to immortality. They sinned and God placed Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep [them from] the way of the tree of life (Genesis 3:24). Consequently, on this first analysis of what the Bible says, man is not immortal.

Next issue, we will dig deeper into the lie of the immortal soul, but if you want to continue searching for Bible answers now, please email me at

God is love


Consider becoming a member of CLUB 4210 — For your support as a monthly partner with a gift of $42.10, you will receive:

  • CLUB 4210 Certificate of Membership 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Ministry Letter (approx. 2-4 pages in length) 

  • CLUB 4210 Quarterly Conference Call with me and my Special Guest 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Subscriptions to Memos 

  • CLUB 4210 Wristbands (CLUB 4210 There is POWER in PARTNERSHIP — Job 42:10) 

  • CLUB 4210 Discounts (50% off) on Select Ministry Products and Events 

  • CLUB 4210 Seating at select events (but must mention when registering)

How did you do with our last challenge to be in the sunshine 5-10 minutes every day? Did you experience the benefits of increased Vitamin D, including reduced inflammation and improved cell growth? Was your mental outlook a tad more positive? How about your blood pressure? These are just some of the benefits of regular exposure to sunlight. Please be sure to send me an email about your experiences!

Now, this month, let’s tackle a serious diet challenge—reducing sugar intake. Your body and overall health will thank you. “ links the addictive properties of sugar to those of cocaine (although the effects are far diminished). It ‘can create a spark of energy and a short-term high in the body’, warns the article, citing a dopamine release as the root cause of that ‘short term high’. However, long-term health effects like obesity and diabetes are a risk of sugar overindulgence,” according to a news story published by the Rutgers Center of Alcohol & Substance Use Studies.

GOALS for this period:

     1. Each week, reduce consumption of any sweetened liquids (sodas, teas, juices).

     2. Replace the equivalent of each eliminated liquid with water and non-sweetened liquids.

     3. Read food labels and if sugar is the first or second ingredient, do not buy or eat it.

     4. Pray and specifically ask God to help you be honest with yourself about your need to reduce your sugar intake, then cooperate with helping Him answer your prayer!

     5. Share your stories. We want others to be encouraged by your successes!


    We have received a Certificate of Registration to copyright the Abigail's Daughters program and hopefully soon we will have the certificates for the remaining interviews. The introduction and ending transitions have been added and editing of study guides and transcripts almost completed. Please continue to pray us through this project.

Friendly Discourse Discussion Guides are now available. You can purchase them for $5 via Cash App $GazaRoadMinistries or send a request to

Did you see the Friendly Discourse episodes on compromise, forgiveness, submission, and freedom? You can catch them all by clicking here.


"No matter what, trust God."

Judith Warren Hawkins


Use the link in the button above for an easy way to support the ministry of GRM2 Inc. Go to Amazon Smile and choose GRM2 as your charity of choice, then shop as usual. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price on participating items to GRM2.

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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