Subject: We're hosting a conference! Save the date.

Feb. 25, 2023, we are hosting the Enrichment & Empowerment Women's Conference.

Volume 2 No. 5 | September 2022


The plans to obtain an office space for classes, workshops, and other functions were abandoned due to totally unexpected concerns.

But GRM2 is pushing forward, fulfilling its mission to "Enrich and Empower Women". Applying the lessons learned from Bible stories featuring women, we see how to confront and overcome every hindering and blocking issue. As we grow on our journey to understanding, we shed those attitudes, perceptions, and choices obstructing our unique development and maturity in every aspect of their lives. 

So the “C” now stands for CONFERENCE! Please mark your calendars for Feb. 25, 2023, and plan on joining us.

The conference will provide tools for women to be divinely designed nurturers, making positive impacts and exerting powerful influences by sharing encouragement and strength. Please stay tuned for more details. We solicit your prayers and financial support as we plan this exciting experience.


Leonardo and his father, Oscar, are working hard to spread the gospel on the electric bicycle you helped Leonardo purchase.

In early September, they worshipped at a church in Güirabito. They taught newly baptized Christians about biblical truths.

It is all a part of their mission to minister in the Holguin province in Cuba.

Church members worshipping in Güirabito, a tiny town south of the city of Holguin.

The ministry started after Oscar had dreamed of hosting evangelistic meetings in Cañadón, a tiny town in the Holguin province. God showed him people meeting under a tree, learning about Jesus. He and Leonardo (my translator during my 2020 mission trip to Cuba), along with other church leaders, began praying and then visited the community.

The electric bike allows Leonardo and his father to travel around the province, preaching and teaching about Jesus.

Leonardo was my translator in March 2020 during my last international mission trip to Cuba. We were summoned home by the U.S. government because the COVID-19 pandemic was locking down the globe.

You can read more about my trip to Cuba and see pictures in the March 2022 edition of the newsletter.


Michelle, the director of development at Refuge House, reports that the women “look forward” to the monthly fresh supply of natural hair products! They ask, "When is the next delivery?" And who could imagine that the Dollar Tree totes (pictured) would be such a hit! We service their residential  population of about 32 persons. Please help us to meet our monthly $185 budget to support victims of domestic violence. 

SPECIAL FUNDRAISER: Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner (and we are at the corner)! We would like to prepare holiday bags with special gifts for Refuge House guests. This will exceed our monthly budget, so we are in need of special donations.

These Dollar Tree totes are a hit with the women at Refuge House.

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note that your donation is for Refuge House.


The Sentencing/Reward Phase (Part 5b)  

We continue our discussion of the book of Revelation as “The Trial of the Universe.” We learned in the last issue that the Bible does not teach immortality of the soul or that people go to heaven immediately after death. The Bible teaches that when people die, they rest in their graves until the Second Coming of Jesus (Eccl. 17:7; 1 Thess. 4:15-16; 1 Cor. 15:51-54; Job 19:25-26).

Let’s explore why people must wait until the Second Coming of Christ to receive their reward of eternal life or eternal damnation. American criminal jurisprudence holds that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  Defendants have, among their Sixth Amendment rights, a guarantee to an impartial jury. Only after evidence is presented, considered, and weighed is a verdict announced.

So it is in the Bible’s teachings.  

Jesus must know each person’s reward before He returns to “give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev. 22:11). The books must be investigated to determine each person’s choices.

Daniel saw in a vision, “the Court [judgment] was seated, and the books were opened” (Dan. 7:10). Those books contain a record of every person’s decisions (Eccl. 12:14).

John the Beloved wrote that we should not be surprised by or wonder at the fact that the dead will hear Jesus’ voice and be resurrected to either life or damnation (John 5:28-29).


So, there are no second chances to be saved after Jesus comes the second time. When we die, our eternal fate is sealed into one of the only two classes available—saved by accepting Jesus (John 3:15) or lost by rejecting the free gift of salvation (Heb. 9:27). 

“Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts” (Heb. 4:7).  

In our November issue, we will learn what the Bible teaches about the reward of the lost, but if you want to continue searching for Bible answers now, please email me at

God is love


Enrichment & Empowerment Women's Conference — Feb. 25, 2023. The conference will provide tools for women to be divinely designed nurturers, making positive impacts and exerting powerful influences by sharing encouragement and strength. Please stay tuned for more details. We solicit your prayers and financial support as we plan this exciting experience.

PHYSICAL: How you feel in your body usually is reflected in your choices.

RELATIONAL: How you feel about a relationship usually is reflected in your choices.

EMOTIONAL: How you feel about yourself usually is reflected in your choices.

MENTAL: What you think about anything is almost always reflected in your choices.

Our thoughts within lead to outward choices. Repeating the same choices begins to form habits. Habits, well, they define character (and that’s based on what we thought in the first place)! 


Consider becoming a member of CLUB 4210 — For your support as a monthly partner with a gift of $42.10, you will receive:

  • CLUB 4210 Certificate of Membership 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Ministry Letter

  • CLUB 4210 Quarterly Conference Call with me and my Special Guest 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Subscriptions to Memos 

  • CLUB 4210 Wristbands (CLUB 4210 There is POWER in PARTNERSHIP — Job 42:10) 

  • CLUB 4210 Discounts (50% off) on Select Ministry Products and Events 

  • CLUB 4210 Seating at select events (but must mention when registering)


"Sometimes curiosity should be stronger than fear."

Judith Warren Hawkins


Pastor Ivor Myers shares a powerful word "God of the Zig Zag" as part of his Marriage and the Sanctuary Solution series at Living Manna Seventh-day Adventist Church.

There is an easy way to support the ministry of GRM2 Inc. Go to Amazon Smile (or click on the accompanying Amazon Smile graphic) and choose GRM2 as your charity of choice, then shop as usual. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchase price on participating items to GRM2.

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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