Subject: We're going on a mission trip to Mexico!

Also, see how we brightened the day of some special women.

Volume 3 No. 3 | May 2023


In late June, my granddaughters, Keira and Kyla, and I will travel to Chiapas, Mexico, to participate in "It Is Written" ministry's 2023 mission outreach programs.

Since my 50th birthday, I have participated in several mission trips and am excited to introduce my "Special K Girls" to international mission assignments. Their service will count toward the 100 community service hours required by Takoma Academy in Silver Spring, Md., where Keira just completed the ninth grade. Kyla will attend in the fall.

As volunteers, we are required to pay for all of the expenses for the trip. Would you help us?

Donations of any amount are appreciated to help defray the costs of ministry gifts and general expenses. We have been told it is more cost effective to buy items in Mexico so your donations can help more people.

"Chiapas is home to one of the largest indigenous populations in Mexico; about one-fourth speak Mayen dialects or related languages," according to the "It Is Written" website. "More than half of the people inhabit impoverished rural areas, making subsistence agriculture the basis of the state's economy."

Chiapas (outlined in red) has a population of 5.5 million people. "Nearly 80 percent of the country claims Roman Catholicism as their belief system. The remaining portion is primarily Protestant and Evangelical," according to the "It Is Written" website.

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button above. Please make a note that your donation is for the Mexico mission trip.

Please pray for and with us that God will move during this evangelistic and medical outreach by touching the hearts of the people in this community and drawing them closer to Him.


It is always a joy to brighten the day of mothers assisted by Refuge House!  

GRM2 donated Mother's Day gift bags to let each woman know she is seen and loved by God. Each bag contained two books, a candy bar, two prayer cards and more.

These ladies are domestic violence victims and more help is needed to serve women escaping violence. Please continue your support to ensure our monthly contributions of natural hair products, bus passes, and one other selected gift. 

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note that your donation is for Refuge House.


"Don't Stop — Now!"


It’s been said that taxes and death are certain, but so is change. God regularly uses change as the process for testing our faith (what we believe), determining whether we are faithful, and defining our faithfulness. 

For the next few devotionals, we will study Rizpah’s experiences to learn how to handle unwanted, unfair, and unexpected changes. And more importantly, how to turn great loss into triumph in the most unexpected ways.

Rizpah’s life demonstrates how to have faith by believing that God’s Word is a faithful and accurate transcript of His character that will lead to a relationship based on faithfulness to Him.

Rizpah’s advice to us today is “Don’t Stop — Now!”

Although her story is embedded in a few verses, the background is complex, composed of many moving parts. She is mentioned only three times in the Bible narrative. The first two references paint the background for the third, which is why she is most often remembered.

She is not a go-to sermon for most preachers or teachers unless the topic is grief and loss. I think her story begins a lot like Job’s, but the endings are very different.

In preparation for these devotionals, please read 2 Samuel 3:6-12; 21:1-14. You may want to jot down some notes to keep all the people and places in mind. To rouse your curiosity, Rizpah was one of King Saul’s concubines, with whom he had two sons: Armoni and Mephibosheth.

After King Saul's death, his youngest son by this wife, ascended to the throne. King Saul’s commander-in-chief of his army was Abner. After King Saul's death, Abner slept with Rizpah. 

The resulting conflict between King Saul's son and Abner led to some significant changes in Israel’s history and in Rizpah's life.

We will continue our discussion in the next issue, but if you want search for Bible answers now, please email

Did you know ...?

Cayenne pepper can be used for more than seasoning your food, according to Dr. Mary Ashley. It has medicinal properties. Here are just two ways you can use this item in your spice cabinet.

Dental pain

In preparation for a tooth extraction, use a cotton swab to rub cayenne onto sore gums. Do this for about two days prior to the dental office visit. Notice little or no pain during your procedure. 

Dental extraction

After dental extraction where there is much bleeding, pain and swelling, use a cotton swab to saturate (gum) area with cayenne powder. Notice immediate cessation of bleeding from area and healing shortly thereafter.

— Dr. Mary A. Ashley, ND, American Naturopathic Medical Association

2085 Grooverville Road, Dixie, GA  31629

229-263-8217 Bus

229-221-9797 Cell


Consider becoming a member of CLUB 4210 — For your support as a monthly partner with a gift of $42.10, you will receive:

  • CLUB 4210 Certificate of Membership 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Ministry Letter

  • CLUB 4210 Quarterly Conference Call with me and my Special Guest 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Subscriptions to Memos 

  • CLUB 4210 Wristbands (CLUB 4210 There is POWER in PARTNERSHIP — Job 42:10) 

  • CLUB 4210 Discounts (50% off) on Select Ministry Products and Events 

  • CLUB 4210 Seating at select events (but must mention when registering)


"God may use preemptive strikes to shift our directions, decisions, and determination."

Judith Warren Hawkins

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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