Subject: There's power in even the smallest act of love

Learn what the Bible shares and celebrate an award-winning moment.

Volume 1 No. 5 | September 2021

Bronze Winner: General — On Line

Title: Triumphant Moments with T. Wood Ep. 2: "Still I Rise"

Entrants: T. Wood & Associates

Year: 2021

Creator & Host: Terrence Woodbury, T. Wood & Associates

Consultant: Neibra Williams, Neibra Williams & Associates

Video & Editing: Mario Cross, Cross Ideology


What an amazing honor for TWood's "Triumphant Moments" podcast and I am so delighted to be a part of his awesome success.

If you have not watched the episode, please do so!


Showering Your Love for and on Others (Part 3)

We have discussed that we should love others with our minds, our hearts, and our hands. The Hebrew maiden (2 Kings 5:1-7) illustrated “If you see something, say something.”

In the story of Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-40), Jesus demonstrated how not to hoard our blessings, pondering over them in our mind but giving no outward expression of thankfulness. 

This last point addresses showing our love for others by acts of service, which is one of author Gary Chapman’s five languages of love.

Dorcas, also called Tabitha, (Acts 9:36-40) sewed her way into being the only woman resurrected by Peter. Her good works and acts of charity showered love on others. When she died, Peter was found, and the women expected her resurrection!

We may struggle with doing what are seemingly small actions: for example, giving someone a ride, distributing packets to the homeless, purposefully praying intercessory prayers, sending a card, making phone calls, and quick visits, just to name a few. But we don’t have access to the divine records recording the impact of our thoughtfulness and kindness.

Other Bible examples of the value of doing something apparently unimportant, but with huge impact, are the stories of the widow with two mites (Mark 12:42-44) and the lad who shared his two fishes and five loaves of bread (Matthew 14:17-21).

Each day let’s practice showering others with love with our minds, our hearts, and our hands. 


This month's financial support partner provided critical medical materials and supplies to help Haiti recover from August's earthquake, which was more powerful than the devastating quake in 2010.


Founder/CEO of GRM2 and Gaza Road Ministries, Judith Hawkins, will be the guest speaker (virtual) Saturday, October 9 at the Westside Community Seventh-day Adventist Church. The church is also hosting a "Revelation Made Simple: Unlocking the Apocalyptic Book" series October 3-28 (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday).

Judith Hawkins is the guest evangelist for meetings scheduled in Quincy, Florida, October 17-30. Additional details to follow.

Tune in to Hope Channel's new season of "Transformed Hope," a program about the power in the story of a life changed by hope in Christ. An episode scheduled to air December 19-25 will feature Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2 Founder/CEO Judith Hawkins. Check the Hope Channel schedule for show air times in your area.

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16841, Tallahassee, FL 32308  (850) 888.2433

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