Subject: Meet the 2024 EEWC Speakers

Also, GRM2 is getting a new app and website.

Volume 3 No. 6 | November 2023


Dynamic speakers will be featured at the 2024 "Living THE Balanced Life" Enrichment & Empowerment Women's Conference to be held Feb. 24, at Tallahassee Community College.

Former Judge Judith W. Hawkins will once again host this event, which will focus on healthy relationships. For her, these topics are personal.

Boundaries and expectations, these are my greatest challenges with interpersonal relationships. For my entire career, I have struggled to set healthy boundaries in the workplace and that spills into my personal life too. I find myself setting expectations based on my own strengths and perspectives and forgetting that everyone has their own unique strengths, weaknesses, and perspectives.

I am openly acknowledging my flaws and holding myself accountable. Are you?

Ladies, it is time for self-care and self-work. Creating healthier relationships begins with US. Attending this Conference will be an investment in you, and I assure you that your spouse, significant other, co-worker, boss, and friends will be glad you attended.

Mark your calendar! Tell a friend! Purchase your tickets! See you there!

If you would like to make a donation to help further the “Living THE Balanced Life” Enrichment & Empowerment Women’s Conference mission, please click here.

Dr. Deborah Spence is a national board-certified mental health counselor. She has developed workshops to address relational aggression among women, staff conflict in corporate settings, and post-divorce/separation family conflicts, among other things. Spence will provide us with knowledge and tools to better develop our inner sense of worth, so that we will stop seeking external validation or trusting other people to tell us how to live our lives.

Dr. Yvette Maureen has been dubbed the "Queen of Versatility" because she wears so many hats. She's a professor, speaker, author, wellness advocate, and entrepreneur. She will provide valuable information to help us learn our personality traits so that we can better understand what motivates and inspires us, what our strengths and weaknesses are, and how to present ourselves more effectively in our personal and professional lives. She challenges people to learn, grow, and move beyond their comfort zones to achieve goals in every aspect of their lives.

Dr. Mary Ashley is back by popular demand. She is the owner and operator of Ashley's Herbals and Health Counseling. Ashley is a doctor of naturopathy and is also classified as a natural health specialist, master herbalist, and nutritional counselor. She will provide us with valuable information on foods that will boost our spirits which, in turn, will lead to better relationships with our spouses, significant others, and co-workers.

Melody Henderson (left) and Neibra Williams (right) will both return to the conference this year, working together on a joint presentation. Henderson is a certified personal trainer and owner of Melmechelle Fitness, LLC. Williams is an experienced family law attorney and CEO of Neibra Williams & Associates, LLC, her Georgia-based consulting firm. Their collaboration will highlight their expertise as wellness and business experts, respectively, engaging, provoking, and inspiring women in their quest for healthier interpersonal relationships.


GRM2 partnered with Subsplash as the one-stop app to GRM2’s (Gaza Road Ministries) social presence, including live and video teaching. Also, online giving will be available, including payments with virtual wallets. Details about the new app and website are coming soon.

Faith and Politics, a religious liberty program sponsored by the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, has invited former Judge Judith W. Hawkins to participate as a panelist. The show airs on HopeTV network, YouTube channel, and also airs on the HopeTV app, Roku, Amazon Fire, AppleTV, and the It is Written Network. 


Refuge House has asked for kitchen supplies, including table dining sets. Please make a special holiday gift to fund this request and also to provide personalized Christmas gifts to put smiles on the faces of victims of domestic violence. 


"Don't Stop—Now!" (Part 4)

Rizpah’s story (2 Samuel 3:7-8; 21:8, 10-14) is synonymous with turning great losses into triumph. But the journey to reach that outcome was extremely difficult for her—as it is for us. To pretend otherwise is to belie the realities of life. As stated last month, sometimes we may feel that our experiences are collateral damage in the great cosmic conflict between God and Satan, and while Psalm 37 gives us insight and comfort, the pain is very real.


We have learned that her story has much in common with Job’s season of losses because God permitted Satan to test him. It also reminds us of John the Baptist’s ultimate loss of his life because he stood for God’s righteousness (Matthew 14:1-12). 


In this segment we focus on what Rizpah did after her innocent sons were hung to satisfy the Gibeonites’ revenge for King Saul’s murder of their people (1 Samuel 10:26; 22:6; 23:19).


The Bible says that “Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night” (2 Samuel 21:10).


Her grief became visible; she acted it out. Can you see a picture of this in your mind? Mull over it for a moment. 


Her sorrow was so deep that all she could do was to sit on a rock covered with sackcloth, a type of cloth made of black goat's hair that was thick, rough, and coarse material. Prophets and kings often wore this uncomfortable material as an outward sign of mourning and submission (Genesis 37:34; 42:25; 2 Kings 19:1; Esther 4:1; Isaiah 15:3; Lamentations 2:10; Daniel 9:3; Jonah 3:5-8).


As discussed in the prior segments, she was powerless to stop the traumatic and tragic experiences. She and her sons truly were collateral damage. Life is not fair, but faith in God’s sovereignty allows us to have hope, peace, insight, and understanding that evil won’t last always.


The takeaway from this segment is that even when there seems to be nothing that we can do, we can still do something—hope. Paul’s comment about Abraham’s faith is a fundamental principal to help us in dark times, “Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping” (Romans 4:18).  


Put another way, “When the predicted outcome is not good, we must not give up hope.” Hope is not a magic potion guaranteeing that the outcome will change. Hope enables us to believe that good will be birthed despite evil—and that is the change. For me, hope and trust in God is the same. A study of the word hope in the Bible can be an attitude changer.


Rizpah’s determination does not waiver and still says to us "Don't Stop—Now!"  Is she whispering that to you today?  Hope in God is never misplaced.

We will continue our discussion in the next issue, but if you want to search for Bible answers now, please email


Would you pay the same price for a diamond as you would for a lead pencil? Why not? They are both pure forms of carbon.

It is the amount of heat and pressure applied that makes the difference. The value of a diamond is determined by its cut, clarity, color, and carat weight.

Abigail, King David’s third wife, was shaped by the trials, tribulations, and challenges of her first marriage to Nabal. She endured a difficult marriage and was forced to face a life-altering decision … but on the other hand … it put her directly into David’s path.

TRIALS: But on the Other Hand shows us how God can use life’s adversities to refine us. In His hands, our hardships are used to polish our characters to become like exquisite, priceless diamonds.

Check out all of Judith Warren Hawkins' books today on Amazon.


  1. Having a sugar (carbohydrate) craving? Are you munching all the time? Try using the munchie-remover seasoning herb: fennel. You can also drink it as a tea.

  2. Use Fenugreek leaves or tea to reduce glucose 15 to 18 percent. Use it in every vegetable or protein dish.

  3. If there are bags under your eyes and puffiness above your eyes upon rising each morning, this may be an indication of kidney insufficiency and the progression of diabetes. Drink distilled water to help flush uric acids out. Since distilled water leaches inorganic minerals rejected by the cells and tissues out of the body, be sure to eat well-balanced meals and/or add 1 1/4 teaspoon trace mineral drops to 5 gallons of water.

— Dr. Mary A. Ashley, ND, American Naturopathic Medical Association

2085 Grooverville Road, Dixie, GA  31629

229-263-8217 Business

229-221-9797 Cell


Forgiveness is love in action.

 — Judith Warren Hawkins

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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