Subject: God blessed in Mexico!

Volume 3 No. 4 | July 2023


The mission trip to Mexico was a successful challenge!

Your support by prayer and donations (which are still being accepted) moved the mighty hand of God on our behalf.

Our trip began in late June, as we travelled to Tuxtla, Gutierrez, airport, in Chiapas, Mexico. The trip was part of "It Is Written" ministry's 2023 mission outreach programs.

My granddaughters, Keira and Kyla, participated in the health outreach program. They packed bags with various hygiene and medicial supplies to distribute. They acquired the skill of taking blood pressures and heart rates. The girls also helped with the children's program and music.

My preaching site was the community of La Laguna, just outside of Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan, which is located in the mountains some three hours' car ride north of Tuxtla.

The congregation met in the storage room of a member’s store/home because they are building a church.  The attendance grew with each meeting of my preaching.

The local pastor said that the completion of the church building will grow the church because there is a lot of interest in the Protestant gospel message.

Chiapas has a population of 5.5 million people. "Nearly 80 percent of the country claims Roman Catholicism as their belief system. The remaining portion is primarily Protestant and Evangelical," according to the "It Is Written" website. 

My home church’s financial support was used to made a contribution to the church construction project.

Would you help them take one step closer to finishing their church building? Donations can be made via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note on the donation page that your donation is for the ministry in Mexico.

Kyla (pictured above) and Keira (pictured below) helped with the health clinic in Pueblo Nuevo's central plaza. They distributed hygiene packs, medicine, and vitamins. They also met a group of teens, who wanted to practice their English. My granddaughters invited them to attend church as well.

Please pray that God will continue to move in Chiapas and all of Mexico, by touching the hearts of the people and drawing them closer to Him.


Refuge House reports that GRM2’s monthly contribution is an essential blessing because their needs are growing so rapidly. They have been forced to turn away women in desperate need for a temporary safe haven because of the high demand for help. Please consider making a regular monthly contribution to this project.

These ladies are domestic violence victims and more help is needed to serve women escaping violence. Please continue your

support to ensure our monthly contributionsof natural hair products, bus passes, and one other selected gift. 

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note on the donation page that your donation is for Refuge House.


"Don't Stop—Now!" (Part 2)

The introduction to our study of Rizpah focused on her experiences and taught us how to handle unwanted, unfair, and unexpected life changes.

But, more importantly, she demonstrated how to turn great loss into triumph in the most unexpected way (2 Samuel 3:7-8; 21:8,10-14).  While her story is similar to the story of Job, the endings are very different. She shouts to us, “Don’t Stop—Now.”

Rizpah was caught in the drama between King Saul’s youngest son, Ishbosheth, who succeeded his father and King’s Saul’s commander-in-chief of his army, Abner. Abner slept with Rizpah and that was considered as a direct attack on Ishbosheth’s kingship.

Now, we consider the next aspect of the Rizpah’s real-time nightmare. When Ishbosheth confronted Abner, Abner declared that he would gather the ten tribes under Ishbosheth’s rule and transfer the tribes’ loyalty from King Saul’s lineage to King David (2 Samuel 3:9-11).

Ripzah was a poster woman for being powerless, disposable, a pawn, totally subjected to the whims of the men who victimized her. Yes, that was the culture then—but still today there are nations, religions, and homes practicing the doctrine of domination over women.

What could Ripzah do? King Saul was entitled to as many wives and concubines as he wanted.

The Bible does not state that Abner raped her, nor does the Bible say that David raped Bathsheba. But both men were in positions of superior power and control. And again, the outcome of Ripzah’s story was very different from Bathsheba’s story.

A unchanging principle engraved on our minds from this phase of Ripzah’s life is that bad things happen to good people. Life is not fair, and justice often is neither swift nor blind.

So we must understand three fundamental Bible teachings: first, Satan and sin are real;  second, hope and faith in God’s absolute victory over Satan and sin is real; and third, losses and successes cannot be accurately scored on the here and now perspective—that is also for real (Revelation 12:7-9, 12; Revelation 20; Revelation 1:1-5; Revelation 22).

When we look at our experiences through this glass, it enables us to experience the peace of God, to not fret over evildoers, and to cast all our cares upon Him for He cares for us (John 14:27, Psalm 37; 1 Peter 5:7).

Life is hard and unfair, but Rizpah didn’t quit, not then. I used to tell my late husband I was leaving him, but not today . . . 

Let's hold on for just one more day.

We will continue our discussion in the next issue, but if you want to search for Bible answers now, please email

Wellness Tips: HEALING HERBS in the KITCHEN

Use 3 large lemons, two large bulbs of garlic, ½ bush of parsley, and raw honey to taste.

Cut lemons into fourths, peel garlic cloves, and cook together in two quarts water until soft.  Add parsley and cook till soft.  Add honey to taste and strain.  

Drink three times a day. The last cup just before your head hits the pillow at night. Drink at least 3 days, no less. You will start to feel better right away but don’t stop. Continue taking it.  At the end of three days, repeat if you still have symptoms.

— Dr. Mary A. Ashley, ND, American Naturopathic Medical Association

2085 Grooverville Road, Dixie, GA  31629

229-263-8217 Bus

229-221-9797 Cell


Consider becoming a member of CLUB 4210 — For your support as a monthly partner with a gift of $42.10, you will receive:

  • CLUB 4210 Certificate of Membership 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Ministry Letter

  • CLUB 4210 Quarterly Conference Call with me and my Special Guest 

  • CLUB 4210 Monthly Subscriptions to Memos 

  • CLUB 4210 Wristbands (CLUB 4210 There is POWER in PARTNERSHIP — Job 42:10) 

  • CLUB 4210 Discounts (50% off) on Select Ministry Products and Events 

  • CLUB 4210 Seating at select events (but must mention when registering)


A Prayer for Women (and men also)

My Father in heaven, as Your only begotten Son said to do, I present to You women who are in and on my heart and humbly ask in His name that You would hear and answer my prayer.


First, l boldly come before Your throne of grace and ask You help her to live her life according to Your Will as revealed and tested by Your written Word.


Then, in accordance with Your sovereign will, may You place her in high places like the eagles, but also give her the grace to endure the valleys.


Empower her to spread agape love and shine, by reflection of Your light, in dark places where it is difficult for others to reach.

Place in her mouth words of love, healing, truth, hope, and liberation to others, particularly women in need of freedom from all chains fashioned and forged in the mind of Satan.

Let her example be like a beacon, yea as a lighthouse, for others, especially women, seeking their way to You.

Protect her at all times from dangers seen and unseen. Dispatch angels who excel in strength and power to encircle and defend against all evil powers and influences. Turn evil plans set against her into miraculous manifestations of Your glory.


According to Your plans of how to bless, may it include keeping her away from any virus, danger, pain, or disease, but also reveal to her that in her weakness she is made strong.


Lift her up when she feels weak or falters in her walk, let her feel Your holy and divine presence; may she know with certainty that she is safe in Your holy compassionate hands.

Let all her fears be chased away by faith in Your eternal love, watch care, and Your having all power in heaven and earth.


In Jesus name, Amen!


How's your self-esteem?

Self-esteem is how we see ourselves. It is our assessment and evaluation of our own worth. We also see ourselves through the eyes of others. Their eyes are a mirror in which we see ourselves.

A mirror is a reflecting object. It should show a clear, accurate, and undistorted image of the object in front of it. However, there are many kinds of mirrors: large and small, clear and cloudy, clean and dirty, flat and curved, plain and decorative, two-way, and rearview mirrors.

The best and true mirror is in the eyes of God. The lives of Tamar, Rahab, Ruth Bathsheba, and Mary, all listed in Jesus' genealogy in Matthew 1, are proof of God seeing beyond what other people see. I pray this study will change your life.

This title is scheduled for release next week.

Check out all of Judith Warren Hawkins' books today on Amazon.

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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