Subject: GRM2 has a big announcement!

... and see photos from our recent trip to the Southern Union Women's Conference in Orlando, FL.

Volume 3 No. 5 | September 2023



Almost 800 women attended the Southern Union of Seventh-day Adventist's first Women’s Ministries convention post-COVID-19, Aug. 24-27 in Orlando, Fla. "Coming Together 2023" was the theme. My attendance was as a facilitator and vendor for a “garage sale for ministry.” The generosity of the ladies in sales and donations raised more than $1,000 to support GRM2's ministry activities.

An attendee checks the varied items for sale.

GRM2 founder and CEO Judith Hawkins with Gianna Snell, communications director, Breath of Life Ministries. Her presentation on Friday evening, “Coming Together to Turn Our Pain into Purpose,” focused on how accepting ourselves eases the process of accepting others.

Hawkins poses with Yolanda Smith, first lady of the Southern Union of Seventh-day Adventists, which hosted the convention.

Dr. Brenda Owusu (left), first lady of Southeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, presented a workshop on “Finishing Strong: How to Plan for Retirement.” Gale Jones Murphy (right), multi-talented recording artist, composed the theme song for the convention.

Hawkins with Esmeralda Guzman, Women’s Ministries Director, Southeastern Conference, whose team orchestrated a seamless check-in registration process.


The ladies at Refuge House appreciate the monthly gifts which have expanded to include tokens from Dollar Tree’s varied selections of emotional self-care. With the holidays coming, please help us to continue to put smiles on the faces of these victims of domestic violence.  

You can donate today via Cash App: $GazaRoadMinistries. You can also donate via PayPal by clicking the button below. Please make a note on the donation page that your donation is for Refuge House.


"Don't Stop—Now!" (Part 3)

Rizpah's story goes from bad to worse! But be encouraged—we know the ending of her saga—in a most unexpected way, she turned great losses into triumph  (2 Samuel 3:7-8; 21:8,10-14).

In Part 2, we connected her story with Job's experience. Now, she is connected with New Testament preacher of righteousness John the Baptist. He did not bend to political correctness and became a victim of the those he offended (Mark 16:14-29). In the despair of continued painful losses, Rizpah, like John commands us, "Don't Stop—Now." This segment combines the two principles already discussed: (a) we must deal with life's unwanted, unfair, and unexpected changes and (b) bad things happen to good people; life is not fair, and justice often is neither swift nor blind.


Together, they teach a third principle—to foster their own agenda, people will gladly take advantage of others.

When King David asked the Lord about the three-year famine, God said it was because King Saul had killed the Gibeonites. During the time of Jericho’s defeat, the Gibeonites tricked Joshua, and as punishment, they were sentenced to become Israel’s slaves (Joshua 9). David asked the Gibeonites what they wanted as an atonement. They asked to hang seven of Saul’s descendants.

This aspect of Rizpah’s story is hard to understand. God identified the root cause of the famine and a life-for-a-life principle was strongly enforced (Deuteronomy 19:21). However, in agreeing to the Gibeonites’ request, David also accomplished his agenda of eliminating possible rivals to the throne.

If David had sacrificed Jonathan’s son, it would have seemed that the punishment was equably applied; but David chose the five sons of Saul’s daughters, Michal or Merab, and the two sons of Saul’s concubine, Rizpah. Each of these women had direct connections with David (1 Samuel 18:17-28; 19:11-17; 2 Samuel 3:13-16; 6:12-23; and 2 Samuel 21).


Rizpah teaches us how powerless and helpless we can find ourselves when we are collateral damage. Sometimes, we may feel that our experiences are collateral damage in the great cosmic conflict between God and Satan. While Psalm 37 gives us insight and comfort, the pain is real; the pain is painful.


Holding on to hope when we are confident that the sun will not shine again is not easy. In fact, it can be especially difficult. However, we get to choose whether to exercise faith in those darkest days of our experiences. Rizpah's determination does not waiver and she still says to us "Don't Stop—Now!"


In short order, I lost my dear brother and my beloved husband died. Then I was removed from the bench, and my bar license suspended. I thought those were my darkest days; I was wrong. There was more to come.

I didn't know it then, but Rizpah was whispering to me, "Don't Stop—Now!"

We will continue our discussion in the next issue, but if you want to search for Bible answers now, please email


My new book, Misplaced Emphasis: When Life Gives You Lemons, is now available. 


The saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” has been around for a long time. It’s a nice sentiment, but it is also an excellent example of “misplaced emphasis.” Due to the wonderful properties in lemons, when life gives us lemons, let’s just peel, juice, and drink them for optimal health! 


Using the lives of four Bible widows, we’ll learn lessons on how to handle lemon-filled lives. They used the attributes of the lemons to deal with their issues rather than adding sweeteners or diluting their experiences.


  1. If there are bags under and over your eyelids, kidney action is insufficient, diabetes is progressing. Use distilled water all night, every night and between meals.

  2. Having a sugar (carbohydrate) crave? Are you munching all the time? Try using the munchie-remover seasoning herb: fennel. You can also drink it as a tea.

  3. Use Fenugreek leaves or tea to reduce glucose 15 to 18 percent. Use it in every vegetable or protein dish.

— Dr. Mary A. Ashley, ND, American Naturopathic Medical Association

2085 Grooverville Road, Dixie, GA  31629

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God has infinite solutions to our prayers, so be curious about which ones He chooses.

 — Judith Warren Hawkins

Judith W. Hawkins, JD, MS, is the founder and CEO of Gaza Road Ministries and GRM2.

GRM2 is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes.

GRM2, Post Office Box 16481, Tallahassee, FL 32317  (850) 888-2433

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