Subject: Did you miss this? Business guide walkthrough

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Did you miss this?

I just wanted to make sure you got this message and could take a look at the walkthrough video I made for you.

I put the previous message below to make sure you got it.


Hey there,

Here's the link to my walkthrough of the 5 Step Guide:

Walkthrough Video

I ended up actually recording this in my truck while I was waiting to meet a friend to do a little fishing one afternoon (I showed up almost two hours early because I forgot we changed the time!) so if the sound seems a little different than my other videos, that's why.

Remember, this is just a basic introduction, and I'll be sending you more details and give you chances to ask questions and even make some requests in the future.

Talk soon,


Ted Berg

✅ Here's some things I use and recommend. Let me know what you think!

📧 Email Autoresponder - GetResponse - 30 Day FREE Trial!

     🔗 Your autoresponder is the money machine - make it work for you!

💲 TPMS - This is the best affiliate program I've ever found. - Take the FREE tour and find out why 😁

🔐 Password Manager - LastPass

     🔗 LastPass helps keep me organized - critical function!

📧 Powerful Email Marketing - Herculist

     🔗 Herculist allows me to email thousands of potential leads each day!

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