Subject: Freedom.. it's what online biz is about

Freedom.. it's what online biz is about

February 24th, 2021 at 9:09 am EDT

Hard work... big pay*off That's really what we're talking about here. I wrote this about "blogging" in particular, but really... it's what ALL online biz is about. I coach a lot of bloggers to get that freedom. But whatever your online thing is... I ...


February 23rd, 2021 at 9:52 am EDT

You try one thing, then another. What will work? How about this?No How about that?Not for me You get all overwhelmed because there are SO many things you could try to build your online business. But what's right, what's wrong? Forget about second gue ...

90-Day Challenge... You up for it?

February 22nd, 2021 at 6:45 pm EDT

I've told you how affiliate marketing is the easiest, fastest way to score profit online. Now, My friend, Lee, wants to challenge you to his special 90-day "Affiliate Psycho 2" challenge. In this challenge, he'll have you completing the same task eac ...

Get people from your blog/site => to your 'email list'

February 21st, 2021 at 9:01 am EDT

There's a trick to it. Actually, there's a technology to it. Always have an opt-in form or a squeeze page on your blog, or on your website. Make sure you are capturing emails from your readers. This is how you can further their knowledge by sharing v ...

How DO people build their email list so fast?

February 20th, 2021 at 12:05 pm EDT

I used to spend Saturday mornings researching ways to make an online biz work for me. Know what I mean? Now, I've learned how. So I try to help you do it, too. For one thing, I always harp on building your sales funnels. If you're affiliating produc ...

The secret trick to affiliate marketing

February 19th, 2021 at 6:35 pm EDT

What if there was a way to simplify Affiliate Marketing? As an affiliate marketer I found a great way to make it... -Simple-Organized-DFY (done for you)-Easy content-Sharable content No more ... -wracking my brains out trying to see what works-storin ...

The secret trick to affiliate marketing

February 19th, 2021 at 2:35 pm EDT

What if there was a way to simplify Affiliate Marketing? As an affiliate marketer I found a great way to make it... -Simple-Organized-DFY (done for you)-Easy content-Sharable content No more ... -wracking my brains out trying to see what works-storin ...

Secret Email System = Shortcut to 7 Figures?

February 18th, 2021 at 11:09 am EDT

Some people follow everything the 'gurus' teach. To a "T". You know I don't do that. Sure, I'll let you know when a 'guru' has something good to share. But I don't just take their word for it. I need to see it actually work. And if you've been follow ...

Can you sell stuff on your blog? (+how?)

February 16th, 2021 at 11:35 am EDT

Sure you can. That’s the end game isn’t it? Don’t be spammy when you are trying to sell a product or service on your blog. You can write about a subject and have a product that will be helpful to others. You can embed that link right into the c ...

[Donna-Mind over Matter] Happy Valentines Day

February 14th, 2021 at 7:44 pm EDT

It’s not about flowers and candy and other gifts Rather it is about love. Loving our children, parents, family A day to remember what we need to be doing each and every day LOVE STARTS WITHIN YOURSELF Without self love, we cannot give our all to ot ...