Subject: Connect with thousands of customers online

What ever business you are in, you should try to develop a great presence online. An online profile will get you discovered by local customers as well as connect with hundreds of remote ones.

I am going to tell you about the easiest way to create a beautiful online profile that not only connects you with your potential buyers but also enables you to sell online. 

If you want to jump straight to the goodies, check out Shopify.
It's completely free to try, and no credit card required. 

Read on for my reasons why this is something you must do sooner than later.

#1. Everyone searches for the things and services they require online. You cannot ignore not having a presence online. The more professional and good looking your profile, the more business you will get. Shopify lets you make really good looking pages using their ready-made themes, in literally just a few clicks. You can customise the look exactly as you want.

#2. Have you consider selling online? You may have considered selling your crafts online and the odds are that you thought of selling on Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Craigslist. These are good options to sell but you are missing out on a very good opportunity here.

People remember Amazon and eBay. They don't remember the seller. Whenever possible you want people to find your e-commerce store. When you want to refer people through promotions and marketing campaigns such as posting on your social media accounts, you want to send them to your store and not another website. It is very easy for people on these huge market places to end up buying from somebody else because of the huge competition and choices available.

You will also save a lot of money selling from your own store that you will otherwise end up paying as commissions and other charges. Making your own e-commerce store is now literally a matter of an hour. Shopify makes it really simple even for someone who has never done this before.

#3. Build trust. People like to buy on Amazon and Etsy because these websites inspire trust. But you can build a very professional looking store yourself. Shopify automates everything like order processing and payments.

#4. Make full use of social media and online promotions. It has become easier than ever before to reach thousands of people online. You can easily use paid promotions on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest et cetera to come in front of millions of potential customers and interested people. This is not an exaggeration. When you do this you want to send them to your own web page or your own e-commerce store. Shopify will help you create a complete and professional online profile and business image.

#5 Free to try. Shopify is yours to try completely free, without any hidden charges or credit card requirements. Jumpstart your presence online with Shopify today.
Happy Holidays,