Subject: I'm excited - an extract to our ultimate kettlebells workout guide


Earlier this week we introduced a simple inital guide to kettlebells. 

Well, I'm really excited to let you know that the workout guide that we've been working on is almost ready and will shorly be going on sale, but in the mean time, I wanted to share a sneak preview here.  If you'd like to get an advance copy, at a discounted price of $4.95, email me in the first instance.

This book includes an extensive workout guide to 41 fully illustrated kettlebell exercises, with muscle group illustrations and sample workouts.  Click here to get your copy of the sample workouts for beginners.

Why kettlebells ... well, they're very versatile and combine both weight training and cardio into one; as you can combine this into one workout, why would you not do it?  It has to be a no-brainer.

Using a kettlebell requires your body's major muscles to work together, this increases your metabolic rate, which means that you're burning fat at the same time you're building muscle strength.

Even though kettlebells have been around for a long time, they're still not fully included in a typical workout, which is a pity as as kettlebell workout will help to maximise the use of your time to strengthen your muslces and bones, firm up your core and give your cardiovascular system a thorough workout.

If you don't believe me, just try it!

Here's an extract to simple workout designed for someone not familiar with kettlebells.  The guide itself also includes intermediate and advanced programmes, complete with illustrations and sample workouts.

This link will get you your own copy of the beginner's level programme.  << >>

Any problems, please let me know. 

