I am so excited you are here and we are about to begin the challenge! Here you will find the links to access the documents that are needed during the challenge. Click on the title and it will take you to the document you need to download.
As I mentioned in my previous email, I am so looking forward to this and I will be participating with you. Each day you will receive an email with a daily breathing exercise and meditation. There may even be some interviews, additional recipes, or tips to help you along. The meditations and breathing exercises will also be made available on the Facebook page. If you haven't joined yet, click HERE to hop on in!
Please read through the first several pages of the Guideline Booklet. This has all the information you need to be successful. Decide if you will use the "Adds and Avoids" lists or the recipes provided. Make your shopping list and have everything ready to go for Monday. If you do not have some of the items mentioned in the "tips" area, don't worry or rush to purchase them. Don't think you have to do everything either, the main parts are the food, breathing exercises, meditations, and mindset. I would love to see how everyone does with what they have.
If at any time, you have questions, comments or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out - info@kneadtotalwellness.com. I am here for you and to support you. |