Subject: Day 4 Improve Respiratory Health Challenge

POSITIVE AFFIRMATION: I release the belief that I will always have this respiratory dis-ease. My lungs are strong and healthy. I love and appreciate my lungs!

Hi Friend!

Today is day four of our seven day improve respiratory health challenge. We are at our half way are you feeling?!

How was day three? Are you getting into a daily routine? What is your favorite daily practice that you've added in so far? Feel free to email me or share on Facebook. I am excited to hear how things are going!

Are you enjoying the information so far? Have you thought about digging deeper on an individual level, having something customized just for you? I also offer personalized nutrition services tailored specifically for you - not just based on diagnoses you have been given but mainly by throughly reviewing your labs for optimal ranges based on research for prevention of all cause mortality, as well as your signs and symptoms. If this is something that interests you, head to my website, HERE, and request a FREE 20 minute discovery call TODAY!

If you attended the Breathe Easy, Breathe Well Virtual Event, you may remember our final expert, Usha Radhakrishnan. She took us through two wonderful breathing exercises. Today, we will do one of them. Breathing with Movement. Click HERE or the image below to access the breathing exercise.

Following the breathing exercise, we have a beautiful meditation created by Yaritza Tulier from The Sacred Soma just for this day. To find out more about Yaritza, click any of the following:

Her Website - The Sacred Soma 

Click the video below to access today's meditation on grief.

Today's Bonus Content

If you caught the Breathe Easy, Breathe Well virtual event, you would have seen Denise Peick's interview on CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and how it is effective at supporting the lungs. She actually shares with us how CST in newborns and infants REDUCES the likelihood of respiratory dis-eases.

As a CranioSacral Therapist myself who also receives it, I can attest to how powerful it is for the entire body, not just respiratory conditions. I have been in the midst of a mild asthma attack and seen my CranioSacral Therapist and been able to prevent having to go to the hospital because it alleviated the shortness of breath and prevented me from having a more severe attack. I never even realized how powerful it was until that moment (and I'd been a therapist for at least 4 years by then).

Are you ready to dive a little deeper and continue to make immediate improvements, then check out the interview today and find a local CranioSacral Therapist by going HERE and to find out more about the technique, go HERE....or save it for later when you are ready to try something new to continue to support you on your wellness journey (because CST isn't just for respiratory health - it can be used for many things that ail our bodies!)

Appreciate your breath. It truly is a magnificent thing.

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