Subject: Tonight 7pm- Challenge to Peace Workshop

Webinar Invite


I think we would all like to be done with it...yesterday!! But it's still here and we still have to deal with it. How are you coping? Eating too much? Getting depressed? Worried? Stressed? Angry? Frustrated? Annoyed? Lonely?

We are all going through a bunch of feelings that we may have never experienced before. I have had a lot of time to think about it and I would like to help. Here is the link to the entire course I put together, which is free for you TODAY, Please sign up to get the whole course and then join me tonight to discuss it further.

Linda Larson Schlitz
Counselor, Author, Speaker/Life Coach
Learn the 6 Steps to Finding Peace, Purpose and Hope During a Pandemic 
(or any other time.)

SIGN UP NOW and download the workbook and listen to the short videos.   Then at 7pm tonight (May 19th) sign in to zoom and you will be able to 
see the  PowerPoint and ask questions as we go through the workbook. 
I am also offering a free personal coaching session for all of those 
who go through the class to help you figure things out. 
Join us on May 19th, 7:00 PM
(check the link early) 
If you can't go online you can call in
One Tap Mobile +13126266799,,88921241067# US (Chicago) 
Phone 312-626-6799   Meeting ID 889 212 41067#
Linda Larson Schlitz, 706 South 5th Ave, Wausau, WI 54401, United States
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