Subject: Would You Like Personal Attention & A Customized Marketing Plan For Your Business?

Hey Friend,

It's Lisa. I decided not send out "Flourish" or do a blog post this week. 

I wanted to take moment to see how things are going with you?  We are about to come to the end of the first quarter of 2015, are you on track with your goals for this year so far?

Lately, I've talked with so many people who have already lost their motivation because they haven't met their goals or haven't followed through with the plans they created in January.

Maybe you feel the same way right now.  Maybe you still feel overwhelmed and can't seem to figure out what to do next...Or maybe you keep starting and stopping and can't get a good pace going because you keep changing directions...or maybe you know that in order to take your business where you want it to go, you need some help and up till know you haven't been ready to make that commitment...Maybe you feel like giving up because you feel like it's never going to work.

Friend, here's what I'm sure of...trying to do it alone does not work.  In fact that's why most entrepreneurs quit.  Let's be honest, you can take every free and paid training out there but if you still don't know what you don't know it wont' work. I spun in circles for years before I finally decided to get some help from someone who had already figured it out.

Teaching women entrepreneurs just like you to get clarity about their purpose, and confidence in how to get it out there to the world so you can take BOLD action, attract clients and live the lives they desire is what I live for.

I LOVE working with my clients one-on-one.  I love helping them grow phenomenal businesses and showing them how to share their gifts, skills and talents with the world.

So I just opened up 3 one-on-one coaching spots.

If you have ever had the thought that I could help you build or create a business that not only helps you create the life you want, but allows you do earn on your terms while doing what you love, then simply visit this link and answer a few short confidential questions.

(Please note that completing the questionnaire will not obligate you to work with me. It will just indicate whether you and I are a good match to potentially work together.)

I will personally review all of the questionnaires and if it looks like you and I are a good  fit, you'll receive an email with more information about the 3 spots that are available.

Imagine how great it will feel to have finally have a mentor who is personally invested in seeing your business succeed.  I will stretch you and push you with love.  I won't give you fluff and I will hold back nothing. I want to see you succeed. 

If you're tired of not having the success you've dreamed of, then the time to get support is now. Submit Your Information Here.
If you have any questions at all, just send an email to and someone will be in touch right away.

I can't wait to here your story and see how I can help!

P.S. I give 110% to my one-on-one services, so I can only work with a very limited number of private clients. When these spots go, I will be creating a waiting list so if you think now may be the time to explore this opportunity, I'd love to learn more about you and your goals.  Go to this link now.
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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