Subject: What's Holding You Back, Friend?

You gotta push past your blocks if you want to succeed.

I've been silent for the past few weeks, Friend. I had to take a moment to really consider what stops most women entrepreneurs like you and I from succeeding.

I came to the conclusion that we are the reason we don't succeed. We allow our lack of technology, inadequacies, fear of looking stupid, caring what others think, belief that we don't know enough, aren't good enough...I could go on.

The truth is we just have to remember to push past what blocks us.

I want to empower you to succeed, so what I've done is I've reviewed the top issues that block women (coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs) from succeeding. 

These issues have been compiled from groups I'm in, current and past clients and issues I've struggled with myself.
Over the next few months I will tackle these issues on a monthly basis with one goal in mind...and that is to help you push past the blocks.

This months topic is technology, specifically WordPress. In fact, I am hosting a four week Wordpress Basics training which begins on February 23.

If WordPress is one of your blocks, let's push past it!

This training will provide step by step training & live Q & A (not limited to WordPress). Go checkout the details now, registration closes soon.

Glad to be back,
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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