Subject: Want to See Your Business Succeed?Turn Back the Clocks and Be Eighteen Again

On My Mind...
Do you remember being eighteen, Friend?

Whether the memories are wonderful, bittersweet or sad there's one thing you can probably agree with me on and that is you were fearless

You see we don't start becoming afraid to jump without looking until we get older, wiser...grown.  I had to reflect on that recently when my oldest came to me and said she was going to Paris for Spring break.

The thoughts that rushed through my mind were mixed. They ranged from happy to OMG she's going out of the country will she be safe?

The funny thing about it is, she had no fear at all. In fact, when she headed off to the airport last week, I was tearing up and she gave a quick hug and was on her way.  There was the lack of fear again.

I began thinking back to when I was just eighteen years old and I made the decision to get married and move 1,000 miles away.  I had no worry, no fear and tons of determination.   To build your business you need to do the same.

This week on the blog I talk about how to tapping into your youthful fearlessness can catapult you to success.  Looking for motivation to complete that project you've been stuck on? Head over to the blog now!

I thought I'd share one of the beautiful photos she took during her stay in Paris.
P. S. Need some help pushing past your blocks, apply for a discovery session so we can discuss how I can help you create a plan that will help you achieve your goals for 2015.
What's New?

I'll bet you had no idea, I was both Certified Life & Business Coach and a Certified Life Coach Trainer, right?

Well the truth is I run a Life Coach Training school and have been training women just like you to become coaches for many years.

I have always operated my life coach training school and my coaching business separately until now.

If you have always wanted to become a coach but feel like you need someone to show you the ropes, I'd like to invite you to the next live virtual training session which begins March 3o.

Be Inspired
Ready to Take Bold Action?

Are you ready to attract your IDEAL high paying clients? Are you ready to get paid for your skills, gifts and know how?

Click here to apply for your BOLD action session!
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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