Subject: He said he had two Porsches...and why you better know your ideal client.

On My Mind...
Make 'em need what you got so bad they can't say no.

So if your friends with me on Facebook you already know I had to have emergency oral surgery Friday. It was unexpected and to be honest I'm still reeling from it.

I went to the dentist thinking I could get a quick fix.  He reviewed my x-rays and gave me three payment options.  I could choose between A $500, B $1200 or C $1800. The point is, he knew I wouldn't leave without making a choice.

Do you know why he was so confident that I would choose A, B or C, Friend?

It's simple, he had what I needed and he knew I couldn't say no.

In fact, he is so clear about what he has to offer and what he can deliver that he doesn't waver when he gives his work-with-me options.

He can proudly demand whatever amount he needs because he knows I gotta have his solution

At one point, my husband (who has been searching for a good dentist)  tells the dentist that he plans to send a bunch of work his way. He says " by the time you finish with us, you'll have a Porsche".

The dentist replied..."I already have two"!  Yes, he said it and he smiled. 

The truth is he will probably have four or five Porsches in a short while because he has what his ideal client wants and needs and he knows they can't say no.

So my question to you today is, do you have your business in order?  Are you confident that you know what your ideal client needs?  Are you sure they can't say no because they gotta have it?

If you aren't sure about either question...we need to talk.  I have limited space available to chat about how I can help you get clear so you can be confident when you share your offers.  Apply for a strategy session with me.

P.S. Because of the surgery I had to push back the start date of the WordPress Mastery training. We will begin on Monday, I'd love to have you join us!  Register for WordPress Mastery.
Looking For a Pretty, Easy WP Theme?

I love WordPress and I love pretty. Over time I've collected some of my favorite WP themes that are user friendly and super feminine.

On this week's blog post I share my top three pretty, feminine, simple to use WP Themes.

Are you coming Monday?

If you're tired of being frustrated with WordPress.  And you're ready to create a website you can be proud of I'd love for you to join me.
The live training will show you step by step how to use WordPress, teach you the basics you need to know and you'll have live bi-weekly Q & A on any topic you're stuck on.

All of that for only $167. (There is a two pay offer available as well)

Don't put this off! It's time to master WordPress, take BOLD ACTION!

Ready to Take Bold Action?

Are you ready to attract your IDEAL high paying clients? Are you ready to get paid for your skills, gifts and know how?

Click here to apply for your BOLD action session!
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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