Subject: {Geared Up Planning Challenge} Day Four - Plan

Welcome to Day 4 of the Geared Up Planning Challenge!

The ladies are rocking and rolling!  Day 3 was powerful, it required everyone to roll up their sleeves, but it was worth it. I even coached a few people so they could gain more clarity.

You gotta show up and be willing to do the work!


Day One: We focused on reflecting on our accomplishments.

Day Two: We took a look at what 2015 really looked like for us and got clear on what we need to change right away.

Day Three: We prepared the foundation for our 2016 vision.

Don't forget all of the challenge details and content are located in the Private Facebook Group, so join the group if you haven't already to jump right in.

Today, we are going to flesh out a plan for 2016.

Make sure you are posting your challenge with the hashtag #gearedup #gogetterwoman



P.S. Missed Days One, Two or Three? No problem, check out the files section in the group.
P.S.S. I'm cooking up something special for you, stay tuned tomorrow for the details.

Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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