Subject: {Flourish eZine} Do You Need to Divorce Your Business?

On My Mind...
  Does your business still make you smile, Friend.

I am so happy to be back!  No, I haven't stopped working...I've just hadn't been talking to you every week.

In case you haven't heard, I've made some changes to the website and the direction of Bold New Biz.  Go by and check it out if you haven't had a chance.  It's very important to me that I empower, teach and uplift as many woman as I can, to own their worth, earn on their terms and share their gifts, skills and passions with the world.

None of that has changed, what has changed is the way I will do this.  So be on the lookout over the next few weeks and months for new products, packages and services created to help you get out there and change the world.

You see, part of the life cycle of being a coach, consultant or service based business owner is continued growth.  You will continue to evolve as you work with your clients.  In order to continue to flourish and be true to your purpose, you must stay in alignment. 

In this week's blog post I talk about what your next steps should be if you are feeling like this.

Ready to Uplevel Your Business?

2015 is around the corner.  Did you achieve all that you wanted in your business this year?  If the answer is no, I'd love to talk to you about how I can help support you in achieving a consistent income in 2015.  Sign up for FREE Discovery Session. 
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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