Subject: {Flourish} Do You Believe That Words Are Powerful?

On My Mind...
Death & life are in the power of the tongue. Pro 18:21

I was taught that scripture as a little girl and it is so true. You have to purpose yourself to say positive things on a daily basis. 

The easiest way to do this to to change your thoughts. Because, thoughts become things.

If you want things in your life to change and you want your business to flourish, you have to think it, believe it and say it.  

One way you can begin doing this is to use affirmations. I create monthly affirmations that I reflect on several times a day.  

(If you want me to share my June affirmations with you, hit "reply" and let me know.)

Simply begin saying the things you want more of in life and less of what you don't want. 

Feeling like you aren't good enough?  

Try this one: My gifts, skills and talents are valuable NOW and will grow in value over time.

You have the power to change the direction of your business and life.  Change your thoughts, change your words.

Speaking of changing the direction of your business,  yesterday, on the blog I shared some tips on how to update your yearly goals. 

If you're business is not where you thought it would be by now...according to your January plan, then it's time to make changes so you can still end the year on top. 

In yesterday's post I shared how to reassess the state of your business and I even included a free "Mid-Year Review Guide" which includes the process for realigning your goals + plus worksheets.   Head over to the blog now to grab your guide.

And be sure to check out the blog tomorrow where I share one of my favorite resources to simply your business.

P.S. A huge welcome to my new subscribers. I'm grateful to have you become a part of the Bold New Biz community. You'll love the simple to use mindset, marketing and success tips I share with you each week.

P.S.S. Need some help pushing past your blocks, apply for a discovery session so we can discuss how I can help you create a plan that will help you achieve your goals for 2015.
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I have a huge list only announcement coming up tomorrow, so check your email!
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