Subject: Feeling overwhelmed & losing momemtum?

Hey there!

I'm only popping in for a second this week. I decided not to do the Flourish eZine because I have something else I'd like to share with you instead.

I've been interacting lately with way too many people who want to throw in the towel, they are feeling overwhelmed, confused and frustrated.

You see, nobody ever tells you that starting and running your own business is tough work. It requires focus, more admin skills than I care to mention, money, pushing through fears and tech skills.

The truth is, it can all seem overwhelming. Knowing what to do, when to do it and how do it all and still get sleep is hard.

So I've put aside some time to help by offering FREE Biz Therapy Sessions.

If you'd like to talk to me about what your struggling with (i.e. getting clients, getting seen, what to do first, etc.) you can set up a session to pick my brain for free!  Here is the scheduler so let's make it happen.

No strings attached.  Just chatting over virtual coffee (or tea if you like).

Also, if you know someone who needs help with overwhelm, clarity, frustration or getting things going in their business would you mind sending them here?

Finally, if you do facebook, twitter, got the picture, I would love for you to spread the word. I have limited space available and I would love to help as many people as I can.

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Thanks so much!
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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