Subject: ★FREE Training, New Resource & Some Inspiration

On My Mind...
Wowza, what a week! 

So to begin with, I woke up this morning to our first layer of snow. Is it me or did we just put the shovels away? Ugh.  Just venting.

Well my dear, this week has been something for the history books. As I mentioned in my message earlier this week I've been working on some goodies to help you be seen and get more clients.

I really wanted to get the new live training info out to you earlier this week but, my calendar has been booked with strategy sessions and clients (I'm not complaining). So I just put the finishing touches on it.

So I'm letting you know about it today, take a look below for the details.

P.S. A huge welcome to my new subscribers. I'm grateful to have you become a part of the Bold New Biz community. You'll love the simple to use mindset, marketing and success tips I share with you each week.
Have you joined the group yet?
I just launched a new FB group.  It's the place to be for female entrepreneurs looking for a safe place to share their wins, frustrations, get encouragement, free training and tools and network.  Meet me there.
Quote of the Day:
 A Failure to Plan is a Plan to Fail

This is my favorite quote of all time, Friend.  As we rapidly approach the end of 2015. It is imperative that you begin to plan 2016 so you can begin to work toward your big business goals.

Need sure how to go about planning?

Click here to apply for your Clarity Call!
Bold New Biz, 123 Lovely Coach Lane, Somewhere in, PA 18301, United States
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