Subject: Some Governance Updates


   Newsletter No 75| November 2023

Hello Friend,

How are you?

I hope you are doing your best to cope with the challenging times. On our part, we are doing our bit to ensure we come up with well-thought-out solutions that will benefit the good people of Oyo State.

Just last week, it was in the international news that crime rates had reached an all-time high in England and Wales. We are experiencing a similar resurgence in parts of Oke-Ogun. We have already taken action to nip these in the bud. We have been meeting with various security agencies, providing the needed support, and doing our best to stay on top of the situation.

We have provided the 615 emergency contact number and the Amotekun numbers across all local government areas to respond to such criminal activities quickly. We have also increased the vehicular capacity of security agencies to increase the speed of response in the short term, while we work out other long-term solutions to this recurring incident.

One of the things we are working on is the implementation process of our Open Rearing and Grazing Regulation Law 2019. I will be sharing some of these actions in future newsletters. We also know that the economy is forcing some people to turn to crime. So, we are looking at more ways to inject funds into our economy and use empowerment as an economic stimulant.     

Again, I thank everyone who provided feedback on the SAfER implementation, especially those who sent video and picture evidence. I have called for a comprehensive report on the SAfER implementation so far. Also, we have made some quick adjustments, which you will begin to see, especially with the loan disbursement to YEAP beneficiaries.

We aim to run a transparent and open process so that at the end of the exercise, no one would objectively say that the process is unfair. This reminds me of something stated in my book of the month, which I introduced last time. I encourage everyone to read Chapter 8 of Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World—titled Rebuilding Government and Democracy. It holds some key insights regarding the application of technology in governance.

In this regard, one of the things we will be doing with SAfER going forward is leveraging technology to capture participants. We already did this with the YEAP beneficiaries and smallholder farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic when we did biometrics capture for all. So, we will update those records and then build on them for future interventions.

Please continue providing us with the necessary feedback to help us serve you better.

Before I go, let me share an update on the reconstruction of inner roads in Ibadan. The bidding process has been completed, and the process for the award of contracts is ongoing. Contracts will be awarded before the end of this month.

Talk to you again soon.

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