Subject: Modelling a Way Out of Our Economic Doldrums


   Newsletter No 94 |July 2024

Hello Friend,

How are you doing? We are certainly grateful to God for seeing us through thus far in the year 2024. Where would we really be without His grace?

In the past weeks, I have received many responses to my newsletter titled “An International Airport is Coming to Ibadan.” While most responses were positive, a few people expressed genuine concerns about the need for such an airport, given the larger problems we face.

I decided to use this newsletter to discuss not just the need for an international airport in Ibadan, but also the economic development model and strategy our administration has been following since 2019 under the Oyo State Roadmap for Accelerated Development (2019-2023).

Our priority has been to grow our economy and take our people from poverty to prosperity. To achieve this, we adopted a private-sector-driven, public-sector-supported model that would lead to sustainable development in Oyo State. The heavy investment in infrastructure development is to create an enabling environment for private sector investments to drive economic growth. As a result, we have been able to grow our internally generated revenue (IGR) without increasing taxes. While we have taken loans for infrastructure development, these loans have funded capital projects, not consumption, ensuring long-term benefits from the development.

This model has been particularly successful in the agricultural sector, where Oyo State has a comparative advantage. We have continued to seek private sector investments in agribusiness and build supportive infrastructure to enable this. A prime example is the Fasola Agribusiness Industrial Hub, which currently hosts ten private-run businesses. The government built first-stage factories and developed infrastructure such as roads and security, setting a foundation for private enterprises to thrive. This model will be replicated in three other locations within Oyo State, starting with Eruwa this year.

Fasola Agribusiness Industrial Hub

To further support food security and mechanised agriculture, we launched a tractorisation subsidy scheme. Instead of purchasing tractors that often become moribund from neglect, we opted for a more sustainable approach. We are paying matching funds to private tractor leasing companies, with farmers contributing counterpart funds to access the scheme. This way, the government avoids the burden of maintaining equipment, and smallholder farmers receive the support they need. The private companies involved in the scheme also receive continuous patronage to keep them in business.

We have shifted from a purely public-sector agriculture development model to a private-sector-driven model with public-sector support. This approach is the hallmark of sustainable economic development. Government-owned assets inevitably become moribund because the government has no business in business. All over the world, governments are adopting this model, leaving business to the private sector while providing the necessary support to help them become major employers and contributors to economic security.

The continued growth of the Oyo State economy confirms that this model will lead us out of our economic doldrums. By following this model, we can raise revenue to meet our obligations of providing social benefits to our people, including small businesses and smallholder farmers who are struggling due to the volatility of our economy.

As you may already know, we are giving ourselves 18 months to complete the Ibadan Airport project. Our vision for a re-engineered Oyo State is taking shape, and I continue to thank the good people of Oyo State for all their support.

Talk to you again soon.

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