Subject: Buy the Dip and Hold


   Newsletter No 84 |March 2024

Hello Friend,

How are you?


Another two weeks have gone by so quickly. During this time, I have been getting feedback and calls asking that we replicate cash transfers and other palliative measures that some States are taking to provide immediate relief for their people at this time. So, in this newsletter I will talk about some of the actions we have been taking and will continue to take and clarify why we have chosen these strategies.


First, let me state that stop-gap measures are good only when they feed into a long-term strategy. On their own, they are a waste of resources and a conduit for corruption. So, a major criterion for all our actions is that they must be sustainable.  

Second, our actions must be based on data, science and logic. For example, we can extend the wage award for civil servants and pensioners because our data shows that regular payment of salaries stimulates our economy.


More recently, we met with our farmers and took a decision based on the data they made available to us. Inflation has led to the doubling of prices they pay for hiring tractors. It was logical to provide a 50% subsidy which would be claimed by owners of the tractors who have provided the service to biometrically captured farmers. This serves two purposes. First, the State is providing matching grants. So first, the farmers must have the other 50% which they will pay to the tractor owners. So, only real farmers benefit from this subsidy. Second, by this, we are encouraging investment in farm mechanisation across all the zones.

One of the other things we will be implementing in the next six weeks, also in agribusiness, is supporting the youths who were trained on technology-based agrifood systems and who have set up a business to expand their operations further. 1,500 of them will be receiving SAfER enterprise support.


We are able to carry out these activities because, in the last four years, we have focused on agribusiness and have taken the necessary action to reposition the sector as a key driver of our economy. Thankfully, some other States are taking similar steps and rethinking their approach to sustainable economic development.

For investors, a good piece of advice is always to buy the dip and hold. While some are prophesying doom and gloom, I know that the sun will always rise in the morning. I know this because, as a businessman, I have been in situations where it did not seem that there was a financial way out, but things worked out in the end. All it takes is a few good men. In Nigeria, we have more than a few good men. So, as the Chief Marketing Officer for Oyo State, I say, if you have the money to invest, this is one of the best times to invest in Oyo State and Nigeria. Buy the dip and hold.


Remember to join us on 17 and 18 April 2024 as we open the tourism sector to more investments. Register now if you have not done so already. And come, let us talk about how we can really develop the sector.


Talk to you again soon

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