Subject: Analysing the State of the State


   Newsletter No 91 |June 2024

Hello Friend,

It’s great writing to you again. How are you? And how are you coping with life’s challenges in general? The last two weeks have been full of engaging governance activities for me. In fact, earlier today, I had the opportunity to deliver a State of the State address before the 10th House of Assembly. This address provided an opportunity for me to reflect on our activities in the last year and think about which strategies we will have to amend or adjust to continue on the path to sustainable development.

Adebayo Alao Akala Memorial Highway

I have attached the speech I delivered here. It’s a long read, but I am sure that after reading it, you will have a good idea of what we have done so far and what we plan to introduce or keep doing going forward. One thing is clear: we are moving in the right direction. The continuous growth in our Internally Generated Revenue without increasing taxes supports this fact.

Let me also use this opportunity to thank all who voted so far in our governance survey.  We will leave the survey up till the end of June, after which we will let you know how you have rated us. To further assist those who have not decided how we should be rated, the team has put together our first-year promises and how far we have gone in meeting them. Please check here to see all the details. Hat tip to all members of my cabinet who have contributed to these wins. We have three more years to make a bigger difference.

Talk to you again soon.

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