Subject: 5 Cool Things for your holidays, Friend! Time for (R)Evolution

Friday, 25 December 2020
Dear Friend,

Merry Christmas!

I'm writing you on Christmas Eve. Still a few gifts to wrap, but we're having a simple Christmas this year. Just the two of us at home by the fire... family Zoom calls... and a nice meal that should carry us through Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

This morning we had a wonderful group at my Virtual Holiday Gathering. We 10 were a warm blend of friends and students, each bringing their unique experience of faith. I was struck (yet again) at how brave we humans are when we see real connection available. 

We show up cautious (but hopeful). We wait to see what everyone else is going to do or say. In one short hour, we dare... to reveal just a bit of who we really are. And then come the liberating discovery of how much alike we really are. 

If I had a Christmas wish, it would be this... that we could find our shared human experience every day in rooms like this all around the world. That instead of closing down against what separates us we could open to discovery, and in that process find what makes us the same. That we could change our minds.This is the work I'm honored to do in the world, and every one of you blesses me.

So this week, Edition 18 of 5 Cool Things is focused on Mindset. Here you'll find five ways to open your mind to possibilities this season. From the classic TED Talk of Dr. Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset, to 15 ways you can cultivate yours, from a simple practice to help you challenge your assumptions about yourself, to my new online quiz, How Ready Are You To Follow Your Calling? Enjoy!

Wishing you and your loved ones – near or far – the happiest of holidays and a Radically Creative New Year!

With love,
The things we talk ourselves out of! And the arguments we use to do so! Research psychologies Carol Dweck has identified two types of people by their mindset: those who believe their success is based on a fixed set of qualities they can't change, and those who believe that with hard work and persistence they will eventually succeed. These two types of mindset – fixed and growth – are the focus of Dr. Tchiki Davis's 2019 Psychology Today article, 15 Ways to Build a Growth Mindset.

The power of Not Yet. Carol Dweck describes her vision this way: "My work ... examines the self-conceptions (or mindsets) people use to structure the self and guide their behavior. My research looks at the origins of these mindsets, their role in motivation and self-regulation, and their impact on achievement and interpersonal processes." Her illuminating, now-classic 2011 TED Talk makes it all clear.  Watch the video.

Ever talk yourself out of something you really wanted to do? "I could never do fill in your blank." Ever give up along the way? "If I was any good at this, I'd be famous by now." "If I could lose weight, I would have."  Sometime this weekend, find a cozy spot. Make a cup of cocoa. Grab your journal. And challenge your assumptions. Write them down. Then put each one to the test. Is it really true? Y? What will change it? N? Why am I holding onto it? 
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." 
                   – Dale Carnegie 
This week I launch an online quiz to help you get clearer about "How Ready Are You To Follow Your Calling?" If there was ever year that caused us to question the way we've always done things, 2020 has been it. I'm talking to so many people who really don't want things to back to "Normal" - they want something better, more authentic and true. This quiz will help you awaken your calling and take the first step. Please take it and share everywhere!
Katherine Robertson-Pilling is a creative (r)evolutionary. She believes that creating what you long for is the path to personal meaning and global impact. She is a content creator, author, speaker and international transformational coach. Using her proprietary framework – The Wheel of Creativity® – she helps blocked creative achievers start and complete their big vision projects, those lifelong dreams that are just too risky to attempt on your own. 
Art & Soul Productions LLC, PO Box 2248, Boulder, CO 80306, United States
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