Subject: "Word of the Lord for America, Session ll" Part C

Dear Friends,

Monday was our CedarWood Pantry. Our team is working hard preparing to provide Thanksgiving and Hanukkah or Christmas meals to those who attend our pantry. I was present last year as we handed out meals and provided gifts for parents to give their children. We have some who celebrate Hanukkah and some who celebrate Christmas. For the children of these families who find themselves in need, you see requests for warm coats, shoes, mittens, backpacks for school and even coloring books and crayons. Things that many of us take for granted, they cannot afford and so that becomes their Christmas wish list. 

Last year, we invited the Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles attendees to bring coats, blankets, and pillows with them and we'd place them out the following Monday for our pantry. We had several round tables in the entry way of Bethel Chapel wherein we placed these items. I watched our clients come through and pick up brand new pillows and blankets and hug them close; some said they hadn't had a new pillow or blanket in ten years, some even more. Children received coats that fit and were so overjoyed! Adults who had not had a coat in years received very nice coats, and they hugged us so tight! It was an experience I will always carry, the joy of serving people does something to the heart, and nothing can replace those memories. 

This year we will do the same. If you want to take part in this effort, you can donate online, bring your items to the CW Pantry on Mondays, or if you are attending the GOE in December, bring them with you then. We'll send out updates on our needs, and you can always check the sidebar for updated listing of CedarWood's needs. 

Thank you for your faithfulness! 
Blessings & love,

Following is the next installment in "A Word of the Lord for America, Session ll". May it bless you as you prepare for the days ahead.




Session Il

Part C


Nita Johnson

Seattle Services - July 2015


Also Chemtrails. How many of you know the dangers of Chemtrails? I like that! Most of you are informed. Well, the Chem-trails are not benign. They’re not benign. I won’t go through the whole vision because it would take too long, but He showed me in our last Gathering that the Chemtrails will destroy not just America but the whole world. It will be unlivable to be in the earth in twenty years if God does not intervene. There is so much destruction in the Chemtrails that it’s like a person in advanced stage of cancer. There isn’t anything in the earth that isn’t affected by it. After the Lord showed me in the vision where we were headed with these Chemtrails, I got back home from our Gathering, and I decided to do some research. Well you don’t have to look very far to see that the scientists are telling you twenty years max. So pray against the Chemtrails. Don’t stop praying against them until God removes them from our skies. He has promised me that with prayer He will do that. So you’re going to pray, right?

Man’s natural disasters. The Elite have plans for terrible things in the earth. You stand in awe learning what they’re planning. You stand in awe because you think: Where do they plan on living after everybody else is gone? Because they’re destroying the planet they say they want. They want to utterly destroy everything while they hide away in, I don’t know, mountains. I don’t know every place that they will hide; I know some. They want to hide away while they destroy the rest of the earth, thinking that when it heals itself they’ll come back, and they’ll have it all to themselves. It is because they don’t understand God that they can think like that. Amen?

God is going to let some of their plans succeed. How many of you came to be with us in Seattle? I think it was in 2011—when we prayed against all that stuff in the West Coast? The Elite had many things planned, and believe me, it would have happened. Everything would have happened had we not prayed and repented of the things that we needed to pray and repent over. Closing those doors through repentance is what spared the West Coast. Does that sound like a God that wants to let them utterly destroy the earth? That would have been a horrible time, and my goodness, hundreds of thousands of souls would have been lost had God not intervened. He’s so good, isn’t He? He does it in such a way that you just have to stand in awe. No one can take the credit or the glory. We can say we prayed, but the goodness of God on the other side said, “It’s not time. I’m not going to let them do this.” So I want you to know that every natural disaster that gets through are those disasters that the Lord is allowing for the sake of our cleansing. Can you accept that?

Next is drought! I can remember many years ago, I was taken up into the heavens—not heaven but the heavens. I was taken by an angel, and we flew across the United States. Everything I saw looked like Joel 1. It was drought. It was devastation. I saw cattle and so on laying on the landscape—dead or dying. I was hard pressed to find water anywhere. The trees were dead and dying. I mean, it looked horrible. It was serious and severe drought. Nevertheless, God is good. He is just good. Drought is what man planned and could have done. They could have accomplished it, except God. And the Lord told me, “I will intervene, Nita, against their plans.” Now we are fighting drought in certain places, aren’t we? Our headquarters is still in California. My daughter is still in California. They had wonderful rain about a week ago, and she called me and sent the picture of the rain pouring, pouring into Fresno. She was so happy she could hardly sleep. God’s going to heal California. These places that were suffering drought—God is going to intervene. We’re not going to see anywhere near the caliber that the Elite wanted to give us. Isn’t that a wonderful praise God? He’s so kind. He’s so good. For all the sin with which we have been involved, we don’t deserve His intervention, but He is a forgiving God, and He’s a loving God.

And He’s a God with a plan. Can you write that down? He’s a God with a plan, and so He’s made a way where there seems to be no way. I can remember in our very first Gathering in Florida, when I had a vision before the very first meeting. And in this vision I saw—some of you may have heard this before—but I saw a woman lying on an operating table. A doctor came with his surgical knife, cut her womb open, pulled the baby out, did surgery on its heart, completed that, and put the baby back in the womb. Now at the time that I had that vision, there was no such thing as in utero fetal surgery. They didn’t have anything even close to that going on. And so one of my friends, who is a doctor, when I described what I saw, said, “When you had that vision, medical science didn’t know about that kind of surgery. But now they’re doing it.” When I had this vision, the words that the Lord gave me: “Because of your obedience in the work of the Gatherings, just as this baby will never know what it has just gone through to be saved, even so, America will never know all it has been saved from.” I just think it’s amazing when He shows me things that have not yet been to make a point for me to be able to hang my faith on. Then when they start doing the things that He has told me is coming, it again enlivens my faith. So now I give that to you. The Elite have planned many things. And God’s going to interrupt their plans, just like that baby having that surgery, too young to know what was going on. America is not going to know the depth that the Elite have planned because God has provided for surgery that will bring forth healing of this nation.

Economic Crash:
Next, economic crash. They want to restructure Europe—this is the Elite. They want to restructure Europe and weaken the west, and that’s what this crash is all about. They don’t have to do what they want to do by first crashing the economy. They don’t have to. They want to because they want to restructure Europe. That is the main thing on their agenda. Secondly, they want to weaken the west so that they can own it all, they think.

It’s going to be—I wish I could be in an amphitheater with all the Elite there in the seats, waiting to hear what they needed to hear. When their plan getst discombobulated, and they know that it’s all been ruined, I would love to see the look on their faces. When they realize, that not only has their plan been destroyed, but they have just been caught. I would love to see the look on their faces—the shock, the horror, the terrible disappointment. Would not you? You guys could all be on the stage with me, looking at them. On top of everything else, they have just been caught. I just think God has such a sense of humor. In America, we sometimes use this analogy—pulling the carpet out from under you. God always does it at the last minute. He really is the last minute God. And if you look back, like this, you’re going to see Jesus knelt down, and He’ll wave at them like this. That’s what He will do. He will wave at them, smile, and then that carpet’s coming out from under their feet. And, oh they fall like a bunch of bowling pins. I think He is so funny. He’s got such a sense of humor. He really does. He has the most wonderful laugh. You guys are sounding great. I love hearing you laugh. Jesus has the most wonderful laugh I’ve ever heard out of anyone. It is so electrifying, you cannot help but laugh with Him. It is just glorious!

They’re going to try to poison the water, but men and women of faith, what are you going to do? Pray! And you’re going to believe like Elisha did healing will come to the water. Good. I know what book you’ve been reading.

All this going on with Iran—pray against it. Pray against it. Let Iran reject it. Let our Congress reject it. This is set to be the betrayal of the Arab world. The hope of the Elite is to get the Arab world so upset that they will attack Israel and join in the attack against America. That’s their plan. So please pray against it. 

To be continued next week...

In His Love,
Nita Johnson

You can listen to the audio of this teaching on the media log page of our website. 
Communication Corner

Check out our
"Schedule of Events" page for updated meeting information. 

Seattle, Gathering of the Eagles, 2015! 
December 11-12, 2015!

Lodging info available on our website.

Share WFJM with your friends, get up-to-date schedules, and even donate via our FaceBook Pages:

WFJM FaceBook Page:


This Week's Schedule:

We want to thank those of you who joined us last week to stand in the gap for our Nation. Nita joined us Friday and shared prophetic revelation for the days ahead- you can find this on our medialog page.

We invite everyone to stand with us as we fight for the healing of our Nation. 

 Click below for PDF with:

Then enter the number and access code for the any of the desired lines. 

This week's prayer times are as follows:

Wednesday Morning
October 21, 2015

10:20-Noon PST
11:20-1PM MST
12:20-2PM CST
1:20-3PM EST

Thursday October 22 
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST

Friday October 23
Corporate Intercession
5:50-7:30PM PST

Chinese Translation Line

Sunday October 25
Corporate Intercession
East and West Coast calls combined!


Call in Numbers!

Corporate Intercession
5:50-8PM PST

Chinese Corporate Intercession

Canadian Corporate Intercession
3:20 PM PST
Call in: 712-775-7035
Access code: 444928#
CedarWood Int'l

The CedarWood Pantry:

Monday October 26th


Bethel Chapel
23010 66th Ave W
Seattle, WA 98043

Here are some pressing needs our CedarWood department has:

  • Coats
  • Shoes
  • Blankets - All sizes
  • Sleeping  bags for the homeless
  • Commercial Freezer PTL - God provided!
  • Our own Van, Box and/or Refrigerator Truck PTL God provided the funds. We're looking for a truck now!
  • Volunteers
  • Diapers (Size 3 & up) & Baby Wipes
  • Baby Food & Formula
  • $5-$20 Gift cards for Gas for our volunteers who transport the food to and from the Pantry

Most donations can be dropped off during the Pantry or mailed into our office. Tax deductible receipts provided.

Coats & Clothes Closet:
Open Mondays and by appointment. We need volunteers to help organize and prepare clothing for visitors
The need is great and our numbers are increasing every week. Please pray that our volunteer base will increase as well!
If you would like to help, contact Vivian DuPorter at
If you would like to help with BackPack Kids, contact Ken & Kathy Rickey at 

We extend a special thanks to our CW Team and volunteers for their faithfulness every week.

Joel's Army brings together intercessors to intercede for their nations. If you are interested in learning more:
5730 N First Street, Ste. 105-307, Fresno, CA 93710, United States
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